b'FFrroommtthheePPrreessiiddeennttWe have been strategic partners with changingParks Victoria for more than four compliancedecades and worked together in requirements when we work withParks Victorias workplace. It is clear Parks Victoria and support theseworkplaces have changed in those changes because they are about thefour decades. Looking at our own safety of our volunteers. There areFOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA workplaces where we have been some aspects where FWDV will needThe peak representative body for all employee or employer, change has to discuss with Parks Victoria whatVictorian four wheel drivers since 1975 required us to work differently and these changes mean for us and howcomply with change, for our protection. we may work with them. We may evenVictoria Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs Inc. Four-wheel drive club members love need to have some training. We canPO Box 292 Mitcham Vic 3132 volunteering. It takes us to places we however, remain confident our CEOPhone 03 9874 7222 will be doing everything possible toFax may not otherwise get to if we were03 9874 7233 help the necessary changes beEmail office@fwdvictoria.org.au not helping our friends the ParksWebsite www.fwdvictoria.org.au Victoria rangers. We are able to keep introduced as smoothly as possible,ABN 40 891 301 368 building our relationships with rangers so we can keep volunteering.ASSN A0013539S and other Parks Victoria staff whom What is however of utmost importanceRTO 21605 we work alongside of as we volunteer. here, is that we adapt our thinking toPrint Post PP 100005076 We would all remember those reward- accept the compliance changesBOARD OF MANAGEMENT ing and beneficial times we have had which protect us and our friends atwhen volunteering, as we observed Parks Victoria, when we are workingEXECUTIVE the smile on the faces of our friends together. Theres no way we want toPresident Colin Oates (Off Peak 4WDClub) from Parks Victoria. They had been stop helping our public landVice President Fred De Gooyer (LROC) able to get help with some mainte- managers to look after the places weSecretary Eric Bishop (TLCCV)Treasurer Doug Mitchell (Off Peak 4WD nance or reconstruction work which all enjoy so much.Club) may otherwise not have been So, may I ask, please, for people topossible, without the willing help of work with the changes. We will needBOARD MEMBERS FWDV volunteers. Please, never stop to go through an induction processDavid Roberts (Toyota 4WDClub), Adam volunteering with Parks Victoria. when we start our volunteer day withRisborg (Pajero 4WDClub), Fred Schenck. Right now, its disappointing to hear Parks Victoria. We will need to provideSTAFF there is concern being expressed documents listing our volunteers. AChief Executive OfficerWayne Hevey about change and what we as good way to ease into this would be(Just Mates 4WDClub) volunteers are now required to do. for each club to appoint a VolunteerOffice Administrator Alison McLaughlin Four-wheel drivers are nothing if not Co-ordinator. Ive no doubt there are(Mansfield Alpine 4WDClub)Accounts resilient, so lets grasp the nettle, people in your club suited to this roleProjects & Events Officer Daniel Whitby connect with the changes and most who would be willing to help their clubTraining OfficerSheila Douglas important of allkeep volunteering. I deal with these changes. This wouldunderstand the concern, because be a really positive thing to do. I feelTRACKWATCH there is change occurring, but please sure if we took this approach our CEOEditor Brian Tanner (Toyota Land Cruiser spare a thought for our Parks Victoria may be able to arrange some trainingClub of Victoria, Geelong FWDC) friends and the changes they are to help our Volunteer Co-ordinators doEmail editor@fwdvictoria.org.au having to cope with so we can keep their job and thus help all of us toIndividual Contributors volunteering. continue volunteering.Brian Tanner, David Raeburn, Prue Hasler,James Lawson, Dulcie Watts, Tom Hadkiss, All of us were impacted by COVID-19 Four Wheel Drive Victoria and ourJean Bellis, Wayne Hevey in 2020 and the changes that brought affiliated clubs are here to help ourProduction Brian Tanner into our lives. May I suggest we land managers with what is a big task.coped with COVID-19; we can cope Lets continue helping, by volunteer-2020 Copy Deadline next issue with the changes being introduced ing, a job we do so well and get1st August for September 2021 issue to our volunteering. We like our enjoyment from when we participate.1st November for December 2021 issue volunteering, we dont like COVID-19, All the best,1st February for March 2022 issue but we got through it and yes, its still1st May for June 2022 issue lurking, but we can deal with it, were Colin OatesAdvertising ceo@fwdvictoria.org.au four-wheel drivers. President The Board and CEO are aware of theDesign and Artwork by Brian TannerAll material appearing in Trackwatch magazine is copyright.Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly forbidden without prior written consent. Freelance contributions and submissions areCover pix:Offroad Camping Club of welcome by this magazine. No responsibility is accepted for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, etc. The opinions expressedVictoria convoy in Wyperfeld NP. by contributors are not necessarily those of Four Wheel Drive Victoria. All statements made, although based on informationPhoto by Peter Bellis believed to be reliable and accurate, cannot be guaranteed and no fault or liability can be accepted for error or omission. Thepublisher reserves the right to omit or alter any article or advertisement. Advertisers agree to indemnify thepublisher for alldamages or liabilities arising from the published material.TRACKWATCHJUNE 2021 1'