b' InsuranceUSWHAT MAKES YOU SO SPECIAL?The importance of working Club (& 4WD Victoria) is our sense of own strengths and weaknesses. together community, helping others, working withAcknowledge and use the skillothers, enabling others. Being a part of strengths, ideas and opinions of others. No man is an island (John Donne); Life the 4WD community while workingLet others know when they are doingis easier (and can be a lot more fun) within the broader community.a good job. when you are part of a network of The ancient African proverb states; itRespect the feelings, views andfriends and family, a community. takes a village, to work with the family, values of others. In these days of looking out for number to raise a child and weather the stormsSupport and encourage others byone, community isn\'t always what it is of life. If we want that kind of support, helping those who need assistance. supposed to be. We\'d all like to think we the place to begin is with ourselves.live in a place where people care about Community, like charity, begins atAccept assistance from othersothers where people pitch in to help, home. You start building a good willingly.especially when things get rough.But neighbourhood when you yourselfDo not avoid conflict. Respectfullythis isn\'t always what we experience.decide that you will be a good address issues or problems when theyIt seems that we are often reminded neighbour.happen, not ignore them. when things get tough to "Pull yourself Many of us feel like we are judged onup by your bootstraps, my grandfather our disabilities rather than on our How do you think you can help build adid". That may be true, but many of abilities. There is no doubt, sometimes better community? those "bootstraps" are no longer this is true, but often we give peopleavailable today. A major contributor to little choice as we are slow to acknow-this issue is that the supportive ledge our weaknesses and quick toand what are you prepared to docommunity of our grandparents day, focus on our own agenda and selling about it?the community where people looked out our self assessed strengths. Workingfor each other and supported each with others takes serious effort on every-other, in many places is no more. It has ones part.What can be achieved whengone the way of the gaslight, the horse, we get it rightyou can judge that forand the buggy. And we\'re paying a yourselves. really big price for that loss. Here are a few tips that might help: One of the main attributes of your 4WDAcknowledge and understand yourCGUInsurance LimitedABN 27 004 478 37128 JUNE2021 TRACKWATCH'