b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT MACALISTER 4WD TOURING & SOCIAL CLUBHIGH COUNTRY B illy Goat Bluff is one of the High Countryand Collingwood Spur Tracks. The view from DAY TRIP BY: JENNIFER WRIGLEYtracks that 4 wheel drivers just have tosome places on these tracks are stunning as is the conquer at least once. A convoy of 7 vehiclesWongungarra River at Kingswell Bridge where we from the Macalister 4 Wheel Drive Touringagain stopped for a break and to regroup. Two of the and Social Club left Sale at 8 oclock on a beautifulconvey decided to head home while the rest headed Saturday morning in February with Billy Goat in ourup Billy Goat. Two of our group had been on the sights. track several years before and were quite shocked An easy drive took us through Stratford,at how the track has deteriorated. There were 3 Stockdale and Dargo then onto the High Plains Rdother vehicles on the helipad which is on the track where we turned off to the historic site of Grantbut thankfully we did not meet anyone coming the township.A welcome smoko break and airingopposite direction when we were negotiating the down before continuing on to Talbotville which istrack.It is not for the fainthearted but well worth another historic town site. Looking at the landscapethe effort. Very gnarly with huge rocks and at times now its hard to believe there were actually townschoosing the best line to take is nearly impossible. up here.The early pioneers really were prettyPleased to report there were no casualties. amazing. No 4 wheel drives with a lift kit and diffThe whole group conquered one of the most locks to tackle the rugged terrain back then. Aftericonic and steepest tracks in the state and it felt a quick lunch break in Talbotville we continuedgood!driving before regrouping at Randalls Track.OurAfter catching our breath at the top and group leader suggesting those driving manualcomparing notes about the drive we took off vehicles practice some hill starts at this point as wefor home down Marathon Rd, through Briagalong were about to embark on some very steep terrain.and Stratford to Sale. It was a huge day clocking It is quite daunting looking at the tracks fromup 270kms in just over 12 hours. Everyone was the bottom but not half as bad when actually onexhausted but feeling very accomplished after a them. From Randalls Track we went onto Conwayfantastic day in the beautiful High Country.12 TRACKWATCH|September 2024'