b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT PAJERO 4WD CLUB OF VICTORIAL ooking back over 40 years of the Club thereBY: ROBYN BURKE40TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONShave been many changes in and aroundTrips were run to various parts, namely Phillip the Club, but one thing that has remainedIsland, Tarrawarra NP, Mt Worth and to the local shops consistent is the adhering to the underlyingfor coffee and cake to name a few. The people of Loch Club purpose of promoting, representing, encouragingwere very receptive to our Club and organised for and supporting the recreation and sport of 4WD in ashops to stay open over the Easter period.safe and responsible way. A dinner and trivia night were organised, both Our motto Every Event an Adventure was anwell attended with lots of fun and gaiety.adaptation from an early Mitsubishi marketingNext event was the 40th Luncheon held at GWBC, campaign but rings true to this day through theour meeting place. To say the GWBC Committee foundations established by Arch Grant, our Clubwere accommodating was not short of fantastic.Founder and original members 40 years ago, weLunch was very popular, being a traditional Kiwi embrace what comes our way and continue to thrive. Hangi, organised by our Vice President Bella.So, to that end the Club started 2024 with plansTwelve out of the 18 Past Presidents attended. to enjoy and celebrate our 40th Anniversary. Unfortunately, our inaugural President, Arch Grant A sub-committee was formed, and ideas werewas not able to attend, as was his family due to thrown around, big and small, weird and wonderful. illness.I am sure our more recent members learnt a lot Our first event was held at the Loch Reserve.through the speeches made by older members talking A lot of planning, booking and organisation wentabout what and how the Club ran in the early days.into running this event. Members rushed to secureOur final event was held at the July Members a place and the end number was 150 attending,Meeting.caravans and tents circling the reserve with Wayne Hevey, Outgoing CEO of Four Wheel Drive the Management Committee only too happy toVictoria, presented a plaque congratulating the accommodate the Club. Clubs 40 year longevity.16 TRACKWATCH|September 2024'