b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT BAIRNSDALE 4WD CLUBT he call went out that the bush needed help,for dumping waste in the bush.CLEAN UP THE BUSHBAIRNSDALE 4 WHEEL DRIVE CLUBBY: DAVE ROGERS out, almost one large hopper was filled by midday.so on the 16th of June the Bairnsdale 4We met back at the Lakes Entrance Bowls Wheel Drive club rallied to help out.WayneClub for a very nice lunch provided by Forest Fire Hevey from Four Wheel Drive Victoria turnedManagement Victoria all in all a very successful day.up to help out and Mal and Harry from Forest FireIf people did the right thing and didnt dump Management Victoria came to hand out maps withtheir rubbish in our bush, these days would not be the positions of dumped rubbish inthe forest aroundnecessary.We collected couches, mattresses, beds, Lakes Entrance. car wheels and lots of other household waste.Twenty-eight dump sites were identified.ByThe problem seems to be very bad around Lakes 10am we all had jobs allocated and travelled toEntrance area however we were assured more the points to collect the dumped rubbish.Mostaction would be taken to prosecute those people had little trouble, even though conditions were boggy and slippery on the tracks, however one ofwho are guilty of this crime, heavy penalties apply the members soon became bogged and needed assistance from another member with a winch to getThanks to everyone who attended and worked him out. hard to clean up our bush environment, and thanks We all did at least one big trailer load to the tip.to Dave Rogers for his planning and organising this Who kindly accepted all rubbish at no charge to helpevent.18 TRACKWATCH|September 2024'