b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT LAND ROVER OWNERS CLUB OF VICTORIAS ixty years ago the very first four wheel drive LAND ROVERING FOR 60 YEARS! 6 t0 hARTICLE & PHOTOS: GRAEME WALSHClub in Australia was formed. At the time it was only one of a few of its kind in the World - the others were mostly in England. That club is the Land Rover Owners Club of Victoria, and is currently celebrating its 60th Anniversary this year. Back then, to start a club about Land Rovers you were required to first get approval from the Land Rover organisation in the UK. Nowadays clubs just start up without seeking anyones approval but things were different back then apparently. The LROCV, like all other 4WD clubs, conducts monthly meetings, one-day and longer 4WD trips, social events, performs various community work, has a website, and a bi-monthly magazine. Currently membership numbers average around 700 members.Recently the Club had a vehicle Show & Shine day where members displayed their vehicles for all to see. In addition, the LROCV held a Celebratory dinner with nearly one hundred members in attendance. It was well catered for with music and prizes during the night. Wayne Hevey, Alison McLaughlin, Eric Bishop and their partners attended from Four Wheel Drive Victoria.For around 52 years the Club has conducted the yearly Victorian 4WD Show (now held at Lardner Park near Warragul) where some 5,000 people attend this one day event to see trade displays, recovery demonstrations, and a drive on the Adventure Circuit amongst other things. The Club is a well organised and respected club and continues to grow all the time without having to chase members.12 TRACKWATCH|December 2023'