b'is satisfied with the feedback from the Presidentswith the Yorta Yorta Traditional Owner Land meetings regarding our efforts to find a permanentManagement Board in the Shepparton district which home for FWDV and as such are moving forwardwill no doubt augur well for our relationships with with some serious reviews of Value for Moneythe Indigenous people across the board.properties available in the marketplace.The new training ground at Toolangi is firmly At the Presidents meeting in June this year, thewithin our grasp, however, navigating through the Board offered clubs to come on board with theGovt Red Tape is causing some delay to get started. purchase of a property, thus far the Land RoverWe are extremely confident there will be a positive Club has taken the initiative and offered to join withoutcome in the coming year. This will allow the FWDV in the purchase of a building. NegotiationsRTO to expand without any encumbrance of land between the two are ongoing but positive.ownership. For FWDV this year it has been a positive onePresidents meetings were well attended and in my opinion, the Association continues to enjoypositive discussions from the clubs ensued and an exceptional relationship with our partners inhave been successful along with the Regional DEECA and Parks Victoria and continues to meetReps meetings we are moving forward with the regularly through the FWD Advisory Committee tocommunication to the clubs through these forums the Minister of Environment. and will continue with them in 2024.Moving forward from a political sense, this yearIwish you all the best for the coming Christmas we have developed an enduring relationship withHoliday Season. The summer season this year is being our First Nations people from the Taungurung Landreported as one which has the earmarks of a disastrous & Waters Council and the Gunaikurnai Land andbushfire season, so stay safe and have well planned Waters Aboriginal Corporation as another stringescape routes if you travel through the bush tracks. in the bow to ensure our tracks stay open when aI hope all maintain the shiny side up and follow our Treaty between the Govt of Victoria and the KooriTread Lightly motto whilst traveling in some of our most difficult areas.Community is finalised. Both these groups haveEric Bishop, Presidenta direct connection with the high country and itsMerry Christmas to you all.environs and will have an influence on how it is to be managed in the future. Gordon Porter is working TRACKWATCH|December 2023 5'