b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT AMAROK CLUBAMAROK CLUB OF VICTORIA TURNS 10BY: MAT MASONE arly in 2013, a group of five Amarokformer members, stakeholders and FWDV staff Wayne enthusiasts who met on the AusAmarok forum,Hevey, Alison McLaughlin and their partners.decided to form a club for Volkswagen AmarokA few of us arrived on Thursday afternoon to drivers, to create opportunities to explore,ensure we were able to snag the area we had arranged promote safe, environmental sound 4WD practiceswith Parks Victoria Events. Luckily it was clear and and to provide opportunities for families to meet andwe were able to rope off a large enough area to develop new friendships. Sam Rowe, Brendan McKee,accommodate everybody comfortably. A marquee and Trevor Karlhuber, Scott Tymkin and Mark Dirnbauerbanner was set up to ensure the few that filtered in had done a trip or two together and wanted to shareafter dark were able to find their way to camp easily.their combined knowledge and experience. So onAs is often the way in the High Country, on Friday, May 21, 2013, they incorporated the Amarok Cluba lovely blue-sky was preceded by a frigid morning of Victoria and became an affiliated member of Fourwhich froze the water in our taps and made for crispy Wheel Drive Victoria. tread under foot. The temperature climbed rapidly as About 80 people have joined the club over the pastthe sun rose over the tree line however and we quickly ten years and have been on trips all over the country,shed our winter wear. participated in training, workshops, factory toursIt was to be the last time such a vista would be seen and events, heard from guest speakers, benefitedat the Flat for the weekend as a procession of cars from discounts, met monthly and created life-longbegan to roll in. By Friday evening, camping spaces friendships all as a result of those five blokes whowere at a premium elsewhere throughout the area, made it all possible. well and truly vindicating our decision to arrive on Members were keen to mark the ten-yearThursday. anniversary this year, so over the weekend of May It was lovely to be able to sit back and enjoy mates 19-21, The Amarok Club celebrated with some greatin the bush before the need to prepare for the events food, wine, entertainment and of course, Amaroks.of the following day. Australian King Parrots, native The event was named Decade of Rok and was heldducks, magpies and kookaburras entertained us as we at Sheepyard Flat in the Howqua Hills Historical Area.soaked up the serenity.Around 50 people came including current and some Unfortunately by Friday evening, the clear weather TRACKWATCH|December 2023 25'