b'readiness for a barbecue. Meat and salads wereabout 11:00am. Though the river crossings were all generously provided by PV. Add to that roast spudspassable, there was plenty of evidence of the recent in foil and we had ourselves a feast. It was so nice tohigh levels and the water force that shifted debris be in the glow of a campfire and under the stars withand small but hefty boulders across the flats. After friends! morning tea we continued on and cleared Burnt Top Track Note:The track that leads into hut is inTrack to the junction of Wild Horse Gap Track where a bad state with severe and deep rocky washoutswe stopped for lunch.across the flats due to recent flooding. The RangersIt was agreed that we would all travel out on Wild explained that, repair works to the track are on holdHorse Gap track to the gate at the junction of Lake at present as the area is considered a cultural livingCobbler Road. Only minimal clearing was required. landscape and a permit needs to be obtained fromJust as well! The track had plenty of long steep up Taungurung. Application has been made howeverand down hills, some with scrabbly, rocky step not finalised to date. sections and deep ruts. All vehicles came through Sunday: unscathed and we enjoyed the real four wheel In the clear and chilly morning the fire wasdriving. We were at the gate at 4:00pm.stoked into action to boil the billies. After a leisurelyWe all stopped briefly at the end of the dirt road, breakfast and pack up we circled for a briefingexchanging thanks and farewells before heading before taking off to track clear along King Basinhomeward via Cheshunt and Whitfield. So, there you Road. Our lot from Mansfield amalgamated withhave ita great weekend and certainly a successful the Wang group for the day so clearing was quickerwin-win trip for Parks Victoria, our clubs and the as we snaked our way down the track and throughfour wheel driving fraternity in the open season the river crossings, pulling in at Pineapple Flatahead.TRACKWATCH|December 2023 23'