b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT MIDWEEK FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC.I n October 2023 the Midweekof laughs, a recent washout up atfor lunch to begin. Everyone MIDWEEK 10TH ANNIVERSARY4WD Club celebrated theirEildon was retold by members andwas spoilt for choice, with roast 10th anniversary as a club atplanning for future trips by thechicken, beef and pork on offer the Tende Beck Scout Hall andclub trip coordinator. Ross soonand with all the sides too, going invited along Wayne Hevey, Alisonhad centre stage again and thehungry simply wasnt an option. McLaughlin and myself alongmain event began. Ross pulled backEspecially after dessert rolled out, for the occasion. As soon as wea black sheet on the stage to revealpav, chocolate cake and sticky date walked into the room, it was cleara big number of mementos for allpudding that definitely didnt last there was a good turnout withmembers to have of and rememberlong. the beautifully presented roomthe event. However, there was aWith happy faces and full packed full. With banksia branchescondition to these mementos, theystomachs, the official photos took on every table and the makeshiftwere not to be opened until theplace. I cant be sure if it was the fireplace set up in the room it wasend. It was later rumoured theyexcellent food or the good times sure to be a great time. may self-destruct and explode ifbeing had by all but it was smiles As rain and hail started to fallopened sooner.all around and some beautiful outside the scout hall it was clearFounding member Geoffphotos to mark the occasion. A big the right decision was made toKenafacke had put together athank you to the Midweek 4WD hold the lunch inside rather thanmagnificent PowerPoint to takeClub for not only inviting us to out. Club President, Ross Carra trip down memory lane. Geofftheir celebration with you all but kickstarted the event, with thanksand fellow founding memberalso for all the hard work and high to all members, past and currentPaul Cole took us through thenumber of volunteer hours that in attendance. There was also anPowerPoint, reciting stories fromhave been contributed over the apology for Leon and Liz Savage,trips throughout the years whilstyears! Four Wheel Drive Victoria the clubs membership secretarypresenting the mementos tocertainly appreciates the clubs who were unfortunately unable tomembers as the slides got to theefforts! make the occasion. A few recentyears they had joined the club.trip reports were given to plentyNot too soon after it was time 14 TRACKWATCH|December 2023'