b'CLUB SPOTLIGHTAStaircase. We got about 10km in where we were 18TH ANNUAL FAR EAST GIPPSLAND PARKS VICTORIA TRACK CLEARINGSUBMITTED BY: PRUE HASLERFWDV REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR FAR EAST GIPPSLAND marvellous long term collaboration of 3 Melbourne based 4WD clubs and Parksconfronted by a monster tree across the track, Victoria Rangers in the Errinundra Nationalmeasuring over a metre in diameter. We set to work Park, Snowy River National Park and theusing every tool and technique we could muster and Alpine National Park. We enjoy liaising with and3 hours and plenty of 2-stroke later we had removed working with the Parks Victoria Rangers who area few tons of timber and cleared a vehicle width always enthusiastic and enjoy sharing their knowledgethrough the tree.about these National Parks with us.The convoy moved through but came up against Thank you to the club members who volunteer,another tree a couple of kms later. We were out of drive the 450kms to the Bendoc Parks Victoriatime and had to back track south and back to camp. office, bring their chainsaws and equipment, workWe made new plans to reconvene at the Bendoc hard and then travel back to Melbourne.Parks office the next morning and have another By Andrew Mortlock - Pajero 4WD Club crack at the Deddick and Waratah Flat.What can I say? The annual Far East GippslandThe next morning we woke to bleak and Track Clearing expedition was another epic event,miserable conditions. It was not looking good for underlined by big timber. And I mean BIG TIMBER! another tilt at the Deddick Trail so we instead The seasonal closure of tracks in the Snowy Riverturned our focus to Waratah Flat, a relatively easy and Errinundra National Parks had seen monthsand safer track. Alas on arrival at Waratah Flat of storm force wind, torrential rain and snow. Wethe weather had improved considerably and we subsequently expected plenty of track erosion, trees down and raging rivers and we were well equippedsubsequently decided to split into two groups and with the big chainsaws, drag chains, winches andtackle both tracks.crow bars. The equipment was all required. Once again I took the Deddick group and this An advance party from the Pajero 4WD Club tooktime we were able to clear our way to Mt Joan. The on some specific tasks from Parks Victoria, includingother group worked on a huge tree on Waratah Flat repairing the water heater at the Deddick PV depotRd, not far past the Waratah Flat campground.house, clearing of the iconic Deddick Trail, assessingMy group lunched at the Mt Joan Helipad before the Mt Joan Staircase and clearing Waratah Flat Rd.going down on foot to assess the Staircase. It was a My group attacked the southern section of themess. Vehicle swallowing ruts caused by constant Deddick Trail from Yalmy Rd up to the Mt Joanwater erosion were accompanied by a large tree 16 TRACKWATCH| Summer 2024'