b'CLUB SPOTLIGHTup with him. The BBQ was followed by a talk by one of the Rangers, Peta, who had been involved in the recent freeing of a whale entangled in fishing line off of Mallacoota - Peta was a little out of her element being more at home on the water- qualified as a Skipper, able to repair a marine diesel engine at sea. The $30 million boat she got to play with was quite a bonus (it was the first time shed steered a ship with a mouse rather than a wheel). This was followed by a viewing of a video on the training of wildlife Rangers in South Africa - a collection was taken for supporting their widows and $211.00 was raised. Sunday saw a smaller group comprised of 4 Rangers and about 8 club volunteers assemble to have a stab at one of the larger trees obstructing a track- about 1.5m in diameter - very educational! Job done we headed back to the camp ground at about 1pm.A great weekend out yet again.By Roland HollingsworthRange Rover Club of It was the first time I had attended a trackAnd despite the weather being less than ordinary, Victoriaclearing so I didnt really know what to expect.and me feeling as useful as legs on a snake, all in all The way the work was conducted and supervisedit was a terrific weekend.by Parks Victoria made it very safe and fun for allAs campers moved into Wilsons Hut near Bendoc participants. from three clubs on Friday afternoonours (RRCV), Graeme Bartle-Smith certainly should bethe Pajero 4WD Club and Landrover Owners Club crowned the leech king for the weekend. They just(mind you they dont all own one)we soaked up loved him! Despite the weathers best attempts toour bush camping haven. Healthy bush, plenty of rain us out, it was lots of fun and the scenery wasopen space for campers, fire pits and tables. What just breathtaking. The Rangers did an excellent jobmore could one ask for? Oh yes, it was a free camp. arranging the crews and tracks to be cleared withBut enough soaking, first stopthe pub.safety in mind.They sure dont do pubs like the Bendoc HotelFriday night at the Bendoc Hotel and camping atin the city, (or maybe they do and I just need to get Wilsons Hut with old and new friends was a treat.out more). Felt like we had stepped back in time. It was good to give back in some small way to makePicture small yellow, smoke and time aged rooms our High Country accessible for the 2024/25 season.that had heard many a story shared over the beer on Saturday night was simply wonderful with Parkstap. That, and meals the size of small children. And going to so much trouble. With their BBQ, talk, and aI mean chubby small children. Hot tip - if you ever movie, it was a sensational night enjoyed by all. go there to eat, order the half-sized meal and then By Jennifer Bartle-SmithRange Rover Club ofshare it with a friend. Victoria Stuffed to the gills, we headed off to our first So much mor double-doona night (thats code for VERY cold) and a night of heavy rain. So much rain. Next morning, some woke to water-front camping, while others to Well, what a ride! We than the task at hande enjoyed a nostalgic walkindoor water features. But undeterred we loaded up down memory lane, a trip into an alternate universe,with raincoats, winter woollies and a packed lunch mind-blowing drives through old growth forest,with a thermos before heading to the Parks Victoria fabulous and not so fabulous encounters withoffice where Graeme and I enjoyed a trip down nature, rain, fog, new faces, familiar faces and more.memory lane. 18 TRACKWATCH| Summer 2024'