b'W e all know to watch for rivers risingUp to 85 GL of water for the environment is CHECK FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RELEASES WHEN PLANNING YOUR RIVER CROSSINGS THIS SUMMERwhen it rainsbut have you everavailable to be delivered to these waterways this considered that water releases fromyearthats 85 billion litres or 34,000 Olympic dams and storages can also unexpectedlyswimming pools. All to help maintain healthy rivers change the river height?and wetlands, for the animals and communities that These releases from storages may be due torely on them. irrigation orders, environmental water deliveries,West Gippsland CMA works with advisory groups or storage height management. Checking weatherto help plan and time water releases. We value conditions alone wont always tell you enoughtheir local knowledge and feedback. These groups about river heights and how to plan a safe crossing.meet twice a year and include recreational fishing For river height changes related to environmentalrepresentatives, landholders, community groups water deliveries you can check the West Gippslandand water corporations. If youd like to learn more Catchment Management Authority (CMA) webpageabout these advisory groups, you can email us at for dates of planned releases or subscribe to theeflows@wgcma.vic.gov.au.email or text notification system.To keep up to date with when and why water Water for the environment is water that is setfor the environment is being delivered you can sign aside in major reservoirs and carefully releasedup to receive email or SMS notifications at https://down the river to support the health of Westwgcma.vic.gov.au/explore-the-catchment/water-for-Gippslands waterways. It can also be divertedthe-environment/current-water-releases/from the river into the lower Latrobe wetlands.It is occasionally released into the Thomson and Macalister rivers from dams upstream. This is toCheck before youhelp plants and animals feed, breed, move and growcross the riverbut can also provide a range of benefits for kayakersWater for the environment deliveriesand fishers. These water releases are designed toThomson & Macalister mimic the natural seasonal rise and fall of the river, which has been interrupted by dams and water extraction for farming, urban and residential uses.Sometimes small volumes of water are released over a long period of time to top up the waterway when its getting low. This helps fish, eels and platypus move between deeper pools, giving them better access to food and habitat.Other times larger volumes are released over a shorter time frame as a small pulse across several days, which tells fish when to breed and move as it mimics natural seasonal flow patterns. Pulses like this can also be helpful to flush out poor quality water and harmful algae during the summer or over significant dry periods.West Gippsland CMA is responsible for managingYou may see water for the environment in the Carran Carranchanges in river height. (Thomson), Wirn Wirndook Yeerung (Macalister),More information.and DurtYowan (Latrobe) rivers as well as the Lower Latrobe Wetlands, on behalf of the Victorianwgcma.vic.gov.auEnvironmental Water Holder.TRACKWATCH|Summer 2024 7'