b'E arlier this year, the Victorian Association ofBY: ROGER BERESFORDNew 4WD Victoria offices and VICTORIAN 4WD CENTRELROCV club-rooms update - LROCV & PMC CHAIRPERSONIn the meantime, the LROCV has arranged two Four Wheel Drive Clubs (FWDV) entered intoworking bees, together with other activities to a joint agreement the Land Rover Ownersremove the existing office environment with the Club of Victoria, (LROCV) to buy and refit anbuilding, filling rubbish skips and trailers with established building. A suitable property was found atboth green and hard waste. The grounds outside Unit 2 / 6 Hi-Tech Place in Rowville and was quicklythe property have been cleared of overgrowth and purchased.rubbish and look substantially more inviting. Inside, Following the purchase, a joint Propertywe have cleared nearly all of the existing build, Management Committee (PMC) was formed,recovering timbers, cables, electrical switches and and it has been working to develop plans andmore for re-use when the build commences.obtain permits from City of Knox Council as wellA big thank you to all those who have contributed as the necessary building permits prior to buildtheir time and efforts to date - every hour our commencing. Our joint goal is to commence build involunteers contribute helps enormously and directly early 2025 and we have set an ambitious target ofoffsets costs we would incur if we were to source initial occupancy in June 2025. outside help. We expect to be able to complete In order to better manage and administer thesignificant portions of the refit through volunteer property and eventually to advertise and sell access Victorian 4WD Centre labour, supplemented by professional assistance to the meeting rooms, the PMC has registered a newwhere required. These photographs show some of business name. The newthe journey to date. entity will manage funds injected by the two parentAll feedback is welcomeplease send any queries entities to pay for the refit of the property as well asor suggestions to pmc.vic4wdcentre@gmail.comits ongoing management, providing fully transparentWe will continue to update progress so watch this reporting to the Board of FWDV and Committee ofspace for more information.the LROCV.8 TRACKWATCH|Summer 2024'