b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT LAND ROVER OWNERS CLUB OF GIPPSLANDI n August 1994, Frank ONeill liaised with Raytechnical items. ARTICLE BY: SUE MARKHAMS 30TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS PHOTOS BY: VIVIAN LEEothers company and vehicles.Massaro, Dealer Principal of Massaro Motors,A monthly Club newsletter keeps members up to who, at that time were the Land Rover dealersdate with Club activities as well as articles relating in Morwell, with a view to forming a club. Rayto the Land Rover world; history, new products and Massaro ran a social evening at the Morwell Italian Australian Club for his existing Land Rover customers.Although a Land Rover focused Club enjoying This was followed up by an intensive driver trainingThe Best 4x4 By Far, as the Land Rover advertising day in September, at the Anglesea driver trainingslogan says - with members owning just about facility with Adrian DeJardin expert four-wheel driveevery model of Land Rover product, from early driver trainer and Owen Peake from Land RoverSeries 1s to the latest machinery - non-Land Rover instructing. Ray Massaro generously paid for the day. From these two events, the Land Rover Owners Clubowning people have always been welcome to of Gippsland was formed with Frank ONeill beingjoin and participate in Club activities. Within the elected as the first president. The first meeting of themembership there is a wealth of experience and Club was held in the Massaro Motors showroom on theknowledge about Land Rovers, four-wheel driving 3rd of October 1994. techniques, camping, communication, navigation, The Club made an application to join and wastowing, outback touring and vehicle setups.accepted to the peak body for recreational four- For many years the Club has had a close wheel driving, the Victorian Association of Four- relationship with the Parks Victoria Foothills and Wheel Drive Clubs. That organisation is now knownSouthern Alps Team and engages in volunteer as Four Wheel Drive Victoria and the Club is stillwork in the Alpine National Park. Club members affiliated.also volunteer their time as Camp Hosts at various The Clubs focus from its inception has beenlocations throughout the state.that of a four wheel drive touring group with anThe Club is unique in the level of support it emphasis on family participation and enjoying eachreceives from the local Land Rover dealer, Gippsland 20 TRACKWATCH| Summer 2024'