b'PRESIDENTbe found online at https://engage.vic.gov.au/the- On the Sunday the group heard from Marc future-of-state-forests. Sleeman (CEO) of Tourism StrategyGrampians Four Wheel Drive Victoria is also keen toWimmera Mallee Tourism where we learnt that hear from clubs about any projects you might beonly 12% of Victorians know of the location of the considering such as track clearing, track buildingGrampians (Gariwerd) National Park. This really works or bush clean ups. highlights that there are further opportunities to Both Gordon and I also attended the recentbe developed in promoting the region, not only Four Wheel Drive Regional Representativesin destination travel but also the need to invest meeting at Halls Gap over the weekend of 23 & 24in additional infrastructure to encourage further November. Id like to thank both the Wimmera anddispersed camping in the region.the Hamilton District 4WD Clubs for organising aIn closing and on behalf of the Board and the fantastic day trip through the Grampians. The tripOffice of Four-Wheel Drive Victoria Id like to not only showcased some excellent tracks but alsowish all a happy and safe festive season over the highlighted local issues related to track access. Christmas and New Year Holidays.This underscores the importance of ourSimon van den Bergregional meetings and our efforts to strengthenPresidentour relationship with Parks Victoria despite them going through some significant challenges as well as having high level talks with DEECA. Overall, FWD Victoria is committed to keeping tracks open and advocating for greater access to Management (MVO) tracks for Clubs.4 TRACKWATCH| Summer 2024'