b'INSURANCEyou or a ball rolling into the street, possibly with a child not far behind. But since quick braking can cause jack-knifing, and abrupt steering changes can make the trailer sway, its important to train yourself to look as farGive the Gift of Life on Your ahead as possible so that you can anticipate what might be in your path, and make slow andSummer Adventuressteady movements to handle the problem.Slow it down in built up areas or in traffic. Put more space between you and the vehicleAs summer approaches, many in the Four Wheel ahead of you than you normally would. Drive Victoria community are preparing for roadWatch what is happening several vehiclestrips and off-road adventures. But while youre ahead. out exploring, remember that the holiday seasonPass only on straightaways. Allow morebrings a spike in demand for blood donations, distance between you and potentialand with many people traveling, the supply can oncoming traffic and make sure theresdrop.enough room to pull back into your lane afterThis is where you can help. Blood donation is a Make Wider Turns simple yet vital way to support your community you pass. during the busy summer period. Most donor centres operate throughout the holidays, When you are pulling a trailer, rememberensuring that blood is available when its needed that as you go around curves and corners themost. To find out when your blood type is in trailers wheels may not track the same as thehigh demand or where the nearest donor centre tow vehicle. They will generally track tighter. Sois, simply search Blood Supply or the www.if you are making a curve to the right, and thelifeblood.com.au website.tow vehicles right wheels are just left ofWhen you donate, youre not just refuelling the centre line, the trailers right wheel will bewith snacks and enjoying the air-conditioning on or past the line, putting the trailer in the youre giving the gift of life to those relying path of oncoming traffic. Make wider turns toon blood during the summer. Even small acts, compensate for the tracking difference. like donating, can have an enormous impact, Towing Uphill and Downhill especially when the demand for blood products is Downshifting provides more uphill powercritical.and helps slow the vehicle on a downhillAs part of the 4WD Victoria Lifeblood Team, grade. were running our annual blood drive with a Brakes will overheat if you keep your foot onrevised goal of saving 150 lives. Thanks to the the brake pedal when going down long andsuccess of the first two months, were well on our steep hills. way. To ensure your donation counts towards this Backing Up goal, make sure to check that youre listed under the Four Wheel Drive Victoria Lifeblood Team Move slowly and dont over-steer when backingwhen donating.up slight movements of the wheel are all itSo, while youre out on the road this summer, takes. why not stop by a donor centre and help us show Practise, Practise, Practise what true community spirit looks like? Lets come together to make a lasting impactbecauseContact your localRead everything you can find before you headthe adventure isnt just about the journey; its out, but safe towing takes practise. Get outabout making a difference along the way. dealer for a test drivethere and practise your curves and back-ups inSafe travels and happy donating!empty parking lots and take some trial towing runs on roads that arent packed with traffic. Ask a friend who is experienced in towing to go with you for a drive, there is always more to learn when towing!ENJOY THE JOURNEY.30 TRACKWATCH| Summer 2024'