b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT PORT PHILLIP 4WD CLUBT he Mystery History Tour came aboutthe McMillans Road. Here we explored the many MYSTERY TOUR BY: JOHN ASHTONafter reading a book titled The History of Wonnangatta Station by Wallace Malcolm Mortimer. The book got me in and I wanted to learn as much as I could and to see if a trip to Wonnangatta and finishing up at Lovicks was something that could be done over a long weekend. I asked Club Secretary Ken Winn if he would join me on a planning trip where we would review the condition of the tracks and the timings for each day. It all worked out very easily and we passed the baton on to VP Nigel Smith to be the Trip Leader. Not only was I interested in the tracks, but also the history of the people thatnotices and land lots that would have been there had made their mark in this part of Victoria. The keymany years after the gold had petered out.people included Jim Barclay who was the stationThe group was introduced to Alfred Howitt manager until he was murdered some time betweenand Angus McMillan, both notable explorers of the 21st Dec. 1917 and 22nd Jan. 1918. In addition, two1800s. Angus McMillan was responsible for the other prominent figures arose being Angus McMillanopening up of Gippsland in the 1840s. In 1860 with and Alfred William Howitt, both of whom played athe gold mining in and around Ballarat and Bendigo major role in the history of Victoria. But, thats anotherin decline, a Prospecting Board was established by story. the government of the day to search for other gold The date was confirmed for the March longbearing locations. Angus McMillan recommended weekend and the starting location was the Dargoexploration of the Macalister, Mitchell, Nicholson River Inn Camp Ground.and Dargo areas. Alfred Howitt was selected as Most arrived at the Dargo River Inn in the Fridayleader for the Mitchell River expedition. Howitts afternoon & evening while a few arrived in the earlyparty travelled to McMillans Bushy Park Station hours of Saturday. Nevertheless, by around 9:00amthen up to the Dargo.we were on our way. First stop was Grant, just off 12 TRACKWATCH|June 2024'