b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT PORT PHILLIP 4WD CLUBto the shallow grave and confirmed to the Police that the body was Jim Barclay. They then returned to the Station and carried out a search in and around the house and noticed that not only two dogs, blankets, a saddle and bridle were missing as was Bamfords horse Thelma.When the search for Bamford started there was much discussion on where he may have travelled to. He still could have been on the Station somewhere. Maybe he had gone up to Dry River and followed that up to the Howitt Plains, or disappeared up Riley Creek to escape being captured.So the search for Bamford was started and eventually William Hearne and Jim Fry were searching on the Howitt Plain. Bamfords horse Thelma was found wondering around without a saddle or bridle.Bamfords body was soon discovered not far from Howitt Hut under a pile of logs. Who killed John Bamford? We may never know.The mysterious murders of Jim Barclay and John Bamford remain just that: A Mystery.Back to the tripWith lunch break finished we headed off again. This time back up Howitt Road, past the intersection with Zeka Spur Track, passed the Car Park whichWe all had to find spots to park our vehicles, then is a starting point for the hike up to the top of Mt.start on setting up a fireplace, collected firewood Howitt, and eventually onto King Billy Track. This isthen at last settling down to a good evening meal a very picturesque track with everything you couldfollowed by cheese and crackers all of which were ask for on a 4WD Trip. A mix of open bush country,taken with good measures of fine red and white to thick trees and bushes. Along the way we passedwinesa few Rivers of Rock, made the odd creek crossingNext morning we broke camp and travelled and a number of very tight corners as we climbeddown to Bluff Hut for a look see at what is a fine up to eventually join onto Bluff Track. On the way upestablishment. After that the next stop was on Mt. Bluff Track we stopped for the photo opportunityLovick for more photo opportunities. Eventually at the King Billy Tree, stopped for another photoafter what always seems like a very long slow trip op at Picture Point and finally stopping beside theback down to the main road we eventually stopped Lovicks Hut campground, which by this time wasto air-up the tyres then headed on to Mansfield for quite crowded. lunch and then home.TRACKWATCH|June 2024 15'