b'PRESIDENTSo, lets make Craig welcome and help him throughimpressive thing that happened during the day was the first months of this journey. that approx. One thousand people turned up from To assist in Waynes transition as CEO andboth sides of the Great Dividing Range and Victorias Training Manager, Daniel Whitby, our ProjectsEast and West areas. The outcome of the Rally is Officer, has been offered the RTO Managementthat the LNP will no doubt try to stop any changes to position. He has recently completed the tertiaryaccess the high country through the upper house. I qualifications, TAE40122Training andam sure our access will not be hampered; however, Assessment, he needs to manage the RTO effectivelyif some of these areas are converted into National moving forward. The commercial details andPark, our ability to take our pet dogs and camping conditions are yet to be finalised. However, we feltbeside our vehicles within the National Parks will be it was prudent to allow Craig Ryan to be part ofa negative outcome.those discussions, with a completion timeline forFWDV is committed to maintaining unfettered Daniel by August. We have the utmost confidence inaccess to the tracks and our camping requirements, Danielss ability to conquer this role.irrespective of changes from State forests and State On April 13, our Presidents Day was conducted;Parks to National Parks.the main topics were purchasing our new home inThe Pajero Club is celebrating its 40th birthday in Rowville, Toolangi, The VEAC Report, and the newJune. Well done, Pajero 4WD Club of Victoria!! CEO. We advised that we had purchased a factoryFWDV will be celebrating its 50th birthday next to convert into the offices of FWDV, which createdyear and is looking for suggestions as to the most a permanent home for us. The purchase was madeappropriate Venue to Celebrate this milestone. We in conjunction with the Land Rover Club of Victoria.have one suggestion, which is the Toolangi Training FWDV and LROCV are joint owners and have formedGround; however, we will be seeking suggestions a subcommittee to manage the administrativefrom the members.matters about Council Approvals. The subcommitteeOn my Final Note, as your President, I have will oversee the final layout design and fit-out.achieved all I have set out to do within FWDV and For those who wish to familiarise themselvesnow feel its time to step down. I will step down at with its location, the building is at Unit 2/6 Hi-Techthe AGM in September.Place, Rowville. Over recent years, we have achieved great We are happy to say that we now have the keys tooutcomes with Toolangi, a new CEO, and a new the building, and it is now ours to do as we please.building, all for our future growth. These last few I think an open day should be organised for all themonths have taken a toll on me, and I feel its time clubs to come and see it. The only constraint is thatfor a new direction, with a younger President having we have to wait until Fred De Goyer gets out of thethe privilege of having everything all set up to hospital and recovers from his hip replacement.manage our future growth. (sorry, Fred) In the three stints I have had on the board over Some weeks ago, I contacted Wayne Farnham,the years, and in particular the last five years, I the Minister for Narracan (where I live), to discussknow I have had an impact on its operation given the VEAC report. He knew nothing about it, butwhat happened 15 years ago when we were he further contacted me to understand how thisbankrupt; we twisted Waynes arm to take on the report may affect all the outdoor organisationsrole of CEO which has been a resounding success. I invested in the Central Highlands District. He thenmust take my hat off to Wayne Hevey, who is FWDV made a speech in Parliament about the report andto his bootstraps. The members of FWDV have been the Community Consultation that was happeningexcellent with all the support they have given me, around the State. and I sincerely appreciate that. On Sunday, 27th of March, I attended a VEACSo keep the shiny side up and keep on truckin!!Rally organised by Wayne Farham and someEric Bishop Liberal National Party shadow ministers. The mostPresident4 TRACKWATCH|June 2024'