b'CEO T hisreport will be myOur continued work with the First Nations FROM FWDVCEOlast as your CEO as I amPeople has also been hugely rewarding I believe, and shortly departing onthis has put us in a positive position moving forward long service leave andwith the changing landscape as it occurs. I hope returning in November to saythat we grasp every opportunity that arises in this goodbye and retire. I have beenspace and deal with them diligently and swiftly. It with the association for 15 yearsis a rewarding experience to learn more about their in July and have had a mostlyheritage and incredible history, sadly we have been enjoyable time over the journey.kept unaware of for so long.We have seen some ups and downs but overall, IThe year to date has been a steady one regarding believe we have kicked some real goals and madethe activities from the office and training point of some progress in all we have endeavored to do. Theview. We have had several shows and events we recent purchase of our own premises, in conjunctionhave attended with clubs benefiting from their with the LROCV, is a milestone event which wheninvolvement and promoting themselves which are fitted out and functioning as it is planned, will be agreat to see. We engineered this action in trading wonderful acquisition for all our members to enjoywith the organisers of the shows, to enable you, our and be proud of. Another excellent acquisition isclubs, the opportunity to be part of those activities, of course our own training facility which is almostfree of charge, for exactly this reason and it is finalized except for some red tape around placingpleasing to see the results coming from it.a building and toilet on the site, hopefully thisThe consultation around the proposed Central can be sorted out before I leave. We have spentHighlands transition from State Forests into considerable time and effort in bringing this aboutNational Parks, has certainly got everyone thinking as well as money of course, which will repay us withand talking, which is a good thing. It will be very the RTO conducting corporate courses on a regularinteresting to see whether the Eminent Panel has basis there, along with our public proficiencyany real clout in their response to the government courses and club usage as well. based on what they are hearing from the masses Our relationship with the various Ministers andwho utilise the landscape and are speaking out on their staff as well as the DEECA and Parks Victoriathe proposal? We at FWDV certainly have put our staff is strong and mutually respected, I am suresubmission in and spoken to the panel directly on this will continue to be the case into the future.behalf of you the members and understand some of We have achieved a huge amount in this regard byour clubs have also submitted their own responses, working together in achieving those goals whichas you should have.we saw as hugely important to our association andI would just like to say thank you to you all for my its members desires and wants. Respect is thetime at FWDV. It was a great ride and I will certainly key word here, being able to listen to all partiesmiss the camaraderie and banter that has been part and conduct ourselves in the most professionalof the entire journey.manner to reach those outcomes. This has resultedWayne Hevey in some exceptional funding from the respectiveCEOgovernments over the years, I hope this continues to be the case.TRACKWATCH|June 2024 7'