b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT PORT PHILLIP 4WD CLUBfirst priority was to engage a manager of theand Phillips decided to conduct a search of the property. Jim Barclay was duly employed. Jim wasConglomerate Creek valley where they eventually born on 18th Feb. 1869 to James, a Scot who haddiscovered the remains of Jim Barclay partially emigrated from London in 1849, and Mary Fiddlerburied beside the Conglomerate Creek.who had emigrated from London in 1852. TheyWith this discovery, the Police were notified were married in St. Enochs Presbyterian Church, onand when they arrived Harry led them to the grave 14th Feb. 1853 and eventually built a home namedwhich was just 425 paces from the homestead. Heroville which was located on Barclay CrescentFurther search found no sign of John Bamford, in what was then known as Tyabb, but was laterconsequently he was being seriously considered as a renamed Hastings after some rezoning in that partperson of interest and so, a new search was to follow of the Peninsula. around the Wonnangatta Station area.By 1917 the work on Wonnangatta Station hadBut more of this further ongotten to the stage that Jim Barclay needed anotherBack to the trip.hand to assist with the workload. So, on the 14thDuring the afternoon new members Daren and of December that year he hired John Bamford asJulie joined us with their children and before sunset cook and odd-jobs man. On the 20th of Decemberwe gathered for our evening meal along with some there was a Referendum and Jim and John Bamfordselected wines, beers, chips n cheeses we all sat rode in to Albert Stouts Post Office and Store inback to chat and yarn. :)Talbotville to cast their votes. They stayed withNext morning after a quick breakfast we did some Albert and his wife overnight and by 10 oclock inmore exploring of the cemetery, the large Hut and the morning of the 21st of December, the pair rodesome of us collected fruit from the trees beside the back to Wonnangatta never to be seen again. area marked out with stones where the homestead On the 22nd of January 1918, Harry Smith (sononce stood. And soon, we were off to tackle Zeka of Ellen Smith) rode up from his home in EaglevaleSpur Track which in places it is quite narrow and on to deliver Jims mail. There was no sight of Jim ora number of occasions we were forced to stop, move Bamford, but there was a note on the kitchen doorto the left and allow the oncoming traffic to pass by. with the words Home Tonight. Harry decided toIn places there are seemingly dark tunnels through stay at the homestead overnight. With no arrivalsthe heavy canopy of the trees, in other areas we from Jim or Bamford for two days, Harry decided towere in more open ground until finally there was the return to his work at Eaglevale. Harrys next visit todecent down to the junction with Howitt Road. Here the homestead was the 14th of February, and oncewe turned left and travelled on to Howitt Hut where there he found the mail from his previous visit waswe stopped for a quick lunch break.still where he left it and the Home Tonight signBut, what about John Bamfordstill remained untouched. Harry decided to pass onWhen the Police arrived at the Station they had the news of the disappearance of Jim and Bamfordtravelled there from Mansfield and on the way, the on to Jims employer, Arthur Phillips who arrivedgroup included amongst others, William Hearne at the Eaglevale on the 23rd. Feb. After another dayand Jim Fry who had been a very close friend and of searching around the river flats they eventuallymentor to Jim. Both Hearne and Jim Fry were came to the conclusion that Jim and Bamford mustexperienced stockmen who knew the country well have met with foul play. On the 25th of Feb, Harryin and around Wonnangatta. Harry Smith took them 14 TRACKWATCH|June 2024'