b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT PORT PHILLIP 4WD CLUBFrom Grant we moved on directly to Talbotville where we crossed the Crooked River, named by Alfred Howitt due to the crooked nature of the river. Howitt reported to the Minister of Mines that the Crooked River and Good Luck Creek fields were a payable proposition and as a result in 1861 there were 800 miners on these fields. With the crossing completed, we travelled along Crooked River Track to Racecourse Track where we crossed the Wongungarra River, passed Howittville Hut then turned on to Station Track for the seemingly long haul with some heart stopping steep climbs and spectacular views to where we joined the CynthiaUltimately a spot was chosen right beside the Range Track. Here we travelled on along the CynthiaWonnangatta River that was close by the Station towards the junction with Eaglevale Track - thatsHut and soon a fire wood detail was formed and one for the bucket list in the future. before long a good collection had been made and the From that junction we continued along Cynthiacampsite fire was on the go.Range Track up to and onto the partially hiddenThe first non-aboriginal to enter the valley flats of Sugarloaf Creek Track to the helicopter landingthe Wonnangatta was probably Angus McMillan who area on Mount von Guerard. Here we found thatin 1859 occupied the original Eagle Vale Run which another group had got there a little before us, andthen included the Wonnangatta Valley. In Wallace had pinched the best view and parking spot! NigelMortimers book The History of Wonnangatta B. took a great photo of our vehicles set oppositeStation he tells us that an American who had been where the others had been.prospecting around Dargo, growing tobacco at Mount von Guerard was named by Alfred HowittMathiesons Flat and also share farmed at Crooked for his good friend, travelling companion and notedRiver. On one of his prospecting rides he came upon artist, Eugene von Guerard who had been withthe Wonnangatta Valley. Oliver Smith soon set to Howitt on a trip to the Baw Baws area and hadwork building an American style log cabin for his also spent time on the diggings in the Bendigo andentourage which included his three sons and his Ballarat areas. de facto wife Ellen Hayes and her son Harry. Ellen This location on the tour turns out to be a goodand Oliver never married however Ellen soon used place to stop for a lunch break before continuing onSmith as her surname. Sadly, in 1872 Ellen died to the junction of Wombat Range Track and Hernesgiving birth to twins Malinda and Mary on the 5th Spur Track, the latter being only for the brave whoof March, and Mary died on the 11th of March while are prepared to tackle the steep decline downMalinda also died the following day. Oliver, who on to the Wonnangatta River where it becomescould neither read or write crafted a slab of slate like the Wonnangatta Track. So for some of us, Hernerock he collected from the river and inscribed Ellens Spur Track will have to remain on our bucket list.name. Unfortunately he inscribed the letter N in her Nevertheless, one only goes a short few metresname in reverse and her date of death as 5th March before coming to the not so steep decline down1873. Ellen and her babies were the first recorded Wombat Range Track and on to where we turn ontodeaths at Wonnangatta and were the first to be Hart Spur Track for probably less than 100 metresburied at Wonnangatta Station. See the trip photos to the beginning of Humffrey River Track. On thisfor Ellen and her daughters. (NOTE: since the trip, track, you only have to cross the Wonnangatta Riverthe Friends of Wonnangatta have been successful once compared to six crossings if you went downin the creation of a new tombstone with the correct Herne Spur. dates for Ellen, Mary and Matilda).The Humffrey River Track joins the WonnangattaThe other family to inhabit Wonnangatta around Track, and that track runs close along sidethat time was the Bryce family, but thats another the Wonnangatta River for quite a way up tostory for another time.Conglomerate Creek and onto Wonnangatta Station.Fast forward to 1914 when Arthur Phillips and Now at the Station some of us stretched our legsGeoff Ritchie, both from around Delatite, purchased while others went in search of a suitable campsite.Wonnangatta Station from the Bryce family. Their TRACKWATCH|June 2024 13'