b'TRAININGIn teams of two we practiced the different cuts we had learnt under the watchful eyes of our instructors, making sure we followed every safety procedure as we cut. Still under instruction, we refuelled and sharpened our chains as required. Asdifferent cuts to be learnt and an assessment to be the day went on, my skills improved, but still waryhad by each of us in the skills we had learnt.of this very dangerous machine I was holding in myThe next day was exactly that, breakfast and then hands. Still noting my stance was correct, visor wasright back into it with learning to do a Boring Cut down and gloves on. Continually reminding myself,and a Ripping Cut, trying to remember our C before brake on, brake off, brake on, brake off! Carry theT and keeping an eye out for people around us, bar backwards, lay it on its side, dont let anythingpossible tripping hazards, snakes and the list goes near the kickback zone. Believe me, it is an endlesson But we all survived to proudly tell the tale and list of safety precautions that you need to rememberhopefully await that chainsaw certificate arriving in for your own safety and for a very good reason. the mail. As the day drew to an end, we all made our wayTo all my class participants, you know who you back to the Hallora Public Hall for dinner and to kickare. Thank you so much for making me feel like back around a campfire under the stars where we allpart of the team.got to know each other a bit better with time on our hands to banter around the fire. It certainly wasnt aTo the instructors, you guys did an amazing job, late one though, knowing we all had another big daythank you for your clarity, patience and sharing your ahead of us tomorrow with more chainsaw skills,skills with myself and the team. TRACKWATCH|June 2024 27'