b'Center spread FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIACLUB SPOTLIGHTwere also full of holes. The trackHut was our destination for ourtrack that I enjoy as it has a little between King Hut and Speculationlunch stop and everyone enjoyedbit of everything. It winds through Rd was so much worse than I couldthe time to socialize a bit more.the mountains, passing Pikes Flat have imagined, I know how wellThere were a few of us here thathut and camping area, crossing used this area is by 4 wheel drivershad been involved in the raising ofrivers and climbing up steep and tourists but at the moment IBindaree Hut, again supported byorange clay tracks (which can doubt any tourists would make it inFour Wheel Drive Victoria, aboutsometimes be very slippery) all the to visit the Hut. five years ago when we replacedway up toward the bluff. Moving The remainder of our journey tothe six bottom logs and built theforward the convoy wound its way Bindaree Hut was uneventful andnew chimney it was good to catchthrough the very scenic mountains apart from the few loud crunchesup, inspect our work and see howthat overlooks the beautiful valley as rear bars hit the rocks at theit was weathering.that the Howqua River travels crossing of the Howqua River atWith lunch finished, we allthrough. We all caught up again Bindaree there was no other trackjumped into our vehicles anddown at Sheepyard Flat, where damage to talk about. Bindareeheaded up 16 Mile Jeep Track, awe aired up and headed back to TRACKWATCH|June 2024 17'