b'CLUB SPOTLIGHTI t was a typical freezing Saturday morning on upFor those who havent been up through Mt CLEAN UP THE BUSH MT DISSAPOINTMENTat 5 Ways in the Mt Disappointment State ForestDisappointment State Forest recently, there are as teams started rolling in for the Clean Up theplenty of makeshift shooting ranges. Rangers Bush event held mid-May. With scouting andhave been doing everything possible to minimize negotiations regarding tip fees, collection location andthese, hopefully with the efforts of this clean up it rubbish locations taking place over previous months,will assist them in doing so. Many of these ranges the hard work was about to begin. unfortunately see shooters bring in household There was great representation from 6 clubs withgoods as targets, shoot them up until there are more over 20 members to help and they did a terrific jobholes than anything and leave them behind. This over the course of the day. With Michael Rauris fromalong with the magnitude of spent cartridges left DEECAs office in Broadford and his offsider therebehind and other various rubbish brought in makes on the day to go through our inductions and helpan almighty mess. remove rubbish with DEECA running the skip truckBy the time 3pm had arrived, the work was back and forth to Seymour throughout the day. Adone. With roughly 40m 3collected ready for the tip, little after 9am, teams where off!including over 20 tyres, multiple mattress, couches, Paperwork couldnt even be signed in timechairs and many, many yellow collection bags full of before teams where already back with trailers fulleverything else, our amazing volunteers were tired of household rubbish, couches and burnt collectionsbut had certainly earnt the right to be with all of of anything and everything. It didnt take longtheir tremendous work. before DEECAs truck was already jam packed. WithA huge thank you to all those who helped on the mattresses on top to help hold everything downday and helped to make our bush a cleaner place for on the truck, it was strapped down tightly and onall. Thank you to the Jackaroo 4wd Club, Just Mates its ways for its first run to the tip. Teams were still4x4 Club, Melbourne Jeep Owners Club, Victorian able to collect rubbish without the truck, being supplied with 2m 3bags. Without blinking it was4WD Club, Werribee 4WD Club and the Yarra already lunch, all teams had been hard at work andValley 4x4 Club. Without their volunteers the event there was a pile of 10 collection bags, back at 5 Wayscouldnt take place. Thank you!ready to go to the tip. 22 TRACKWATCH|June 2024'