b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT INEOS 4X4 CLUB VICTORIACenter spreadWELCOME TO THE INEOS 4X4 CLUB OF VICTORIAO n Saturday the 21st ofThe meeting went well, and49 members. They turned out to BY: MARCEL GOMPERTOctober 2023 the INEOSthe inaugural committee wasbe a great neighbour. After the 4X4 Club of Victoriaformed. The meeting accepted thatmandatory introductions, vehicle was born. A group ofthe club will adopt and adhereinspections. The camp was setup, 18 early adopters of the INEOSto FWDV and become a valuablewood was gathered, fire stoked, Grenadier got together at the headmember of the association. Thefood prepared, and the coldies office of INEOS Automotive grouppaperwork was presented topoured. The tales of why and how for Australia. The meeting wasFWDV and accepted, as such werewe all got to be Grenadier owners. organised by Marcel Gomperts,sure that we can contribute to theIn all 6 grenadiers were in camp long time 4X4 enthusiast andoverall health of the four-wheeland one Prado from the Werribee current member of the Werribeedriving fraternity. club. District 4WD Club, and JustinNot resting on our loreals 2On Saturday our first drive had Hocevar, Head of Region INEOSweeks later the first trip with theto be to Blue Rag Range. A quick Automotive Australia Pacific.newly formed INEOS 4X4 Club oftrip up to Hotham on the bitumen, Marcel opened the meeting, afterVictoria inc. to the Victorian Highsome photos, then onto Dargo the mandatory information wasCountry, took place. We wouldPlains Rd and time to air down. delivered, Justin was introduced.base camp in the Buckland ValleyContinued our trip onto Blue Rag. Justin told of the processes andat Headrace Flat campground.Some of the owners had never what it took to get a vehicle fromMelbourne Cup Weekend is alwaysbeen on a 4WD trip, so this was a concept to consumer, the failingsa busy time. We were thereforesteep learning curve and required such as lack of communication withprepared to get there early andsome coaching along the way. The early adopters and the ultimate ofstake out our little patch. LittleINEOS caused quite a commotion seeing the vehicle in the flesh anddid we realise that the churchatop Blue Rag, some recognising on the road.group next to us would swell tothe INEOS others saying that it 14 TRACKWATCH|March 2024'