b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT AMAROK CLUB OF VICTORIAPriority one was getting the campfire to theAllan and Aaron rolled into camp a few hours stage where it evaporated raindrops before they gotlater while an extended dinner was underway anywhere near close enough to douse the flames.and got themselves set up and under the shelter Next, we got ourselves set up, dodging the rain asin time to share a bite, a sip and numerous yarns. best as we could. Shortly after that, out came theWhile the ever-present rain was a hinderance, the red wine, Sheep Dog peanut butter whiskey andreal issue was the mud. The ground had exceeded a little cooker and we all sat and watched the fireits saturation point days ago so the runoff created obstinately battle the rain, which it did successfullyrivulets everywhere. The grassed areas were like until we all retired.a peat bog and almost immediately became mud TRACKWATCH|March 2024 19'