b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT LAND ROVER OWNERS CLUB OF GIPPSLANDTHREE DAY VOLUNTEER WORK T hunder rumbled down the deep valley,safety briefing, we went onto Kelly Lane. Wayne had WITH PARKS VICTORIABY:GREG ROSEechoing off the rocky walls, large raindropsall the equipment we needed plus any safety gear that splashed on the rocks and there were a fewmembers might not have. The track would be opened moments of hail. Members of the Land Roverearly, from its extended Seasonal Closure once we had Owners Club of Gippsland were standing looking overcompleted our work. the scene from Dimmicks Lookout off Howitt Road.There is a large grassy camping area a short The group was halfway through a three day volunteerdistance along the track. This was to be our first work activity with Parks Victoria.area. Brush cutters and the mower were fuelled and we The club has enjoyed a long and positiveset to work. Many of us wore gaiters as it was the time relationship with the Foothills and Southern Alpsof year when the creekside reptile population are out Team of Parks Victoria. On this occasion we wereand about. Moving to McMichaels Hut, we had a short base camped at Thomastown, beside the beautifulbreak for lunch, at the picnic table we had made on a Shaw Creek. Some of our group arrived a day earlyprevious volunteer activity. Then we mowed and brush and selected the campsite with the most of the ninecut grass in readiness for visitors after the opening. volunteers arriving early on the following day. ThereThe hut was cleaned and any rubbish in the area was were six club members vehicles; an ex-militarycollected. We moved to Kellys Hut. The same work was Perentie, a 200 series Land Cruiser and four Landcarried out at that location. It was pleasing to note that Rover Discovery 4s. Our PV Ranger, Wayne, has beenthere was not much rubbish to be removed, just a few with us on many of our adventures in the Alpinesmall bags. On our first club volunteer run along Kelly National Park. We could hear him well before heLane, with PV in November 2012, we filled a tandem arrived, as the trailer he was towing bounced andtrailer and 6x4 trailer with rubbish from in and around rattled, on the rough road. Our camping arrangementsthe two huts. included a couple of camper trailers, some tents andBack at camp we enjoyed pre dinner nibbles and one person sleeping comfortably in their wagon. Wethen a delicious meal cooked on the campfire by set up a small insect proof tent for food preparationclub members. The food for the meal was paid for by and Wayne brought along a gazebo in case we had rain. the club. We always invite the PV folk we work with All our volunteers had been logged onto Parkwebto share the meal. After homemade apple slice and prior to the activity and had the required Workingcustard, we all had a reasonably early night. With Children cards. On day one, after the necessaryStarting early on day two we headed up Howitt 8 TRACKWATCH|March 2024'