b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT LAND ROVER OWNERS CLUB OF VICTORIAANNUAL FAR EAST GIPPSLAND TRACK CLEARING WITH PARKS VICTORIA19 TO 22 OCTOBER 2023Thirty participants from the Pajero 4WD By Prue Hasler (RRCV, Pajero 4WD Club, LROCV)Club, the Range Rover Club of Victoria, the Land Rover Owners Club of Victoria and the Friends of Errinundra travelled to Bendoc from Melbourne (475kms), Gippsland, New South Wales and the North East of Victoria to assist Parks Victoria with the clearing of seasonally closed tracks inGary Bellesini and David Butterworth who we have the Errinundra, Snowy River and Norther Alpineworked with for many of the last 18 years for the National Parks and providing assessments of somevery positive relationship we have built up over damaged tracks with Parks Victoria Rangers.that time. Tony Jambu from the Pajero 4WD Club After the past few years when Covid and stormyhas been instrumental in much of the planning and weather made planning for the long running trackenthusiastic promotion of the event over many years clearing event difficult, this year all plans werewhich has also contributed to the success of the successful.By Andrew Mortlock (Pajero 4WD Club)A number of people enjoyed a Friday night dinnerannual event.at the Bendoc Hotel, camping at Wilsons Hut wasWe converged on Far East Gippsland for the enjoyed by all and the weather was fine.annual Track Clearing weekend. And what a After a big day on the tracks on the Saturday, andweekend it was, up there with the best I have with community links established over the years,experienced in 12 years of being involved with the local community invited the track clearers for athis activity. A weekend of teamwork, innovation, Saturday night dinner, ecology talk and film night.camaraderie and hard work and coming together Sunday morning many returned to Bendocwith like-minded folks from multiple 4WD clubs to from the camp at Wilsons Hut for the interestingachieve a common objective.presentation by the Bendoc Team Leader ParksA small group of us went to East Gippsland a Ranger, Gary Bellesini on his 6 week deployment tocouple of days early to answer the call and help the Canada to fight fires.Park Rangers with a couple of specific tasks. We Many thanks must go to Parks Victoria Rangers,split into 2 smaller groups and my group had the 22 TRACKWATCH|March 2024'