b'CEO Iof false starts, we still havent found the one which FROM FWDVCEO hope you all had a tremendous Christmas andsuits all our needs. The search will continue until we new year holiday break,do. with the hope that this yearOur new Environment Minister Hon. Steve will be sensationally better thanDimopoulos has not found the time to meet with the last! We have jumped out ofus just yet but as always, we wont give up trying to the blocks again this year withbring this about at the very earliest occasion. things happening at a rapid rate.We have three new members on our board, Ian Quotes for training are pouringFletcher has taken on the role as Secretary and John in, training itself has already started in earnest and we are looking forward to using the Toolangi facility in theToogood and Athol Clayton have become ordinary very near future!members. We look forward to working with them The office has come to life with Jo Somerfieldand advancing our profile with their inclusion. getting used to how things happen in all sorts ofWe have shows happening early this year ways. Daniel has been very active in assisting uswith the LROCV show already run by the time to take control of our IT requirements, along withthis magazine is produced. This next show is at a knowledgeable IT expert we have engaged. Thisthe Mornington racetrack from the 8th until the gives us better control of our own destiny going11th March, where the Peninsula 4X4 and Port forward whilst saving money at the same time.Phillip 4wd clubs will assist us in representing the We have just been informed that after years ofassociation. Yarra Glen racetrack hosts the Outdoor pursuing, we have now been given ownership of ourLiving and Caravan Expo with the Yarra Valley 4wd own trademark / logo which is excellent to finallyClub in attendance on our behalf from 22nd24th have secured.March. The Ballarat expo is happening from 5th until I would ask that members look at the VEAC7th April with the Ballarat 4wd Club representing Assessment of the values of state forests in theus there. Please feel free to visit either or all these Central Highlands, which can be found on ourevents if you have the chance. website via the link provided. If the clubs couldWe are looking to find out if any clubs have a then formulate their submissions and email themsignificant anniversary this year, please let us know to the office, they will be combined into the finalif you have any coming up. The association is looking submission to be submitted when the consultationforward to next year which sees us celebrating our period is announced.50th year milestone.The search continues for suitable premises for usWayne Hevey to purchase as our permanent base, after a coupleCEOPhoto:Mark Currie, Everest Club of VictoriaTRACKWATCH|March 2024 7'