b'Center spread INEOS 4X4 CLUB VICTORIA CLUB SPOTLIGHTmust be a new Defender. Evento four wheel driving. We made itAs usual the meals were misinformation such as this is theback to camp with another story tofantastic at the Dargo Hotel, we INEOS, its a defender chassis withbe told. finished our meals at 7.30pm and a BMW engine.A couple more owners turnedmade our way back to camp. We On the way back down fromup through the day on Saturday,followed each other down the Blue Rag we decided to take theunable to get there early to joinDargo Plains Road, aired up at shortcut back to Buckland viaour trip. Sunday was our ladiesHotham, to make our way back Gunns Track. The first few hundredday, they wanted to attend to someto camp. Arriving back at camp meters are ok but then the trackshopping, some of us attended thearound 10.30pm. After a 14 hour becomes very rocky, with sharpMyrtleford Show and Shine. Earlyday everyone headed for bed and loose scaly rock. Halfway up theday back at camp saw a few alesthere were no complaints. first steep climb, we came acrossdowned and bottles of grape juiceTuesday morning, time to pack another car towing a trailer butpoured with more stories told.up and head home. Stories to they were clearly not getting up theMonday was to be our big drivetell, memories to be had and new hill no matter what they tried. Weacross to the iconic Dargo Hotel viafriends made. got out of our INEOS GrenadiersTea Tree Spur track and CrookedOur newly formed club will and checked on the driver, heRiver.be open to INEOS owners (full admitted to being stuck and unableThe Dargo hotel was buzzingmembership) and non-INEOS to proceed, he was hoping we couldwith locals and enthusiasts alike,members (associate membership). tow him along up the hill. After athe story of how, what and whyFor more information search quick check found his tyre pressurethe INEOS Grenadier exist wason Facebook for INEOS 4X4 to be at 55psi and unlikely to gotold at least a dozen times. ManyClub Victoria or contact Marcel anywhere with that. We retrievedwanting to have a gaze inside theGomperts (president) on 0438 38 our deflator and lowered hisunit and most the comments were38 00pressure to 25psi for a start. With apositive. Many called others to quick bit of teaching and lending ofcome and have a look, stick their experience, we got him going andhead into our vehicles. It was at advised them it might be worththat time we realised that my front taking up a 4WD course such as thenumber plate was missing, surely courses Four Wheel Drive Victoriadisappeared into Crooked River, offer. The whole experience turnednever to be seen again. However, out to be a great lesson not justthrough the power of social media for the driver of ute but also forthe plate was found and will be on our those in our club who are newits way back.TRACKWATCH|March 2024 15'