b"CLUB SPOTLIGHT LAND ROVER OWNERS CLUB OF GIPPSLANDRoad to the carpark at the trailhead of the walkingBack at camp the area was dry. As is the Parks Victoria, track to Gantner Hut and beyond. It showed theFoothills and Southern Alps folks tradition, as a thank-enthusiasm of our volunteers that one, who couldntyou to the club volunteers, Wayne provided a barbeque make it to the first day, left home at 4:00 a.m. to bedinner with a variety of salads that went down very with us for the start of day two. The decision had beenwell after all the work. made to start at the northern end of the road as theOn day three we concentrated our work efforts on weather was looking threatening and we could moveThomastown and the camping areas just over the Shaw our work sites south if the storm broke. When workCreek bridge. All tasks were completed before lunch in completed there, we went to Howitt Hut and got outorder for Melbourne based members to get home at a the brush cutters, mower and chainsaws and cleanedrespectable time. The early finish also allowed Wayne up that area.to travel to the work centre in Heyfield and clean the It's interesting the people you meet in the Alps. AtPV Ford Ranger, trailer and all the equipment.the top of Zeka Spur, on Howitt Road, I stopped to talkIt had been a fantastic activity. Everyone worked to a very adventurous gentleman who was riding thehard, but nobody over did it or had any injuries. The whole 5330km length of the National Trail, startingcamaraderie was excellent and there was a great in Healesville and hoping to finish in Cooktown afteratmosphere around the campfire. It is gratifying for eighteen months of continuous horseback travel. Onclub members to leave the Park in top condition for the way to Howitt Hut, I also stopped to talk to twoall users to enjoy. The spin off is that the volunteering bush walkers and suggested that if they made it toleaves all participants feeling recharged after a few the hut, Id make them a real coffee. Sure enough theydays in the bush. arrived and the coffee was made as promised and theyOur volunteer hours will be submitted to Four enjoyed the hot brew as we worked around the hut.Wheel Drive Victoria to add to the tally of good work After the work at Howitt Hut and surrounds wasdone by so many clubs throughout the state.completed, we headed to Guys Hut carpark. A teamCraig Murray, our clubs liaison person with Parks from Melbourne Zoo had just set up their tents asVictoria planned the activity months in advance. a base of operations for survey work. We carefullyThanks to Wayne from Parks Victoria for keeping us worked avoiding their camp as rain approached.safe and the equipment in top condition for the three The next work site was to be Dimmicks Lookoutdays. The club is also thankful to the whole Foothills where this story began. Safety concerns with workingand Southern Alps Team for the support they have on wet ground and the threat of a severe electricalgiven us over so many years.storm, caused Wayne to call the days work to an end. TRACKWATCH|March 2024 9"