b'INSURANCEme without charging facilities? What if I need5.There is also the challenge of spare parts and to tow my trailer? This then takes you back tothe cost of repairs. A shortage of specialised the previous point, how big do you make therepairers for electric vehicles, will take time to battery without it greatly affecting the vehiclesskill up and as a result, the average time and performance on or off road? cost to repair an electric vehicle will be higher 4.The Australian market, while growing,than your standard petrol/diesel equivalent. The is still quite a small market for global EVgood news is, this will drop in the years to come manufacturers and with no major locallyas more vehicles enter the market. produced manufacturers, Australia is not seen asEven now, many four wheel drive users, will a high priority market for off-road EVs right now.have a car for town and the rig to take offroad As seen with Teslas decision not to send theand on trips. In the short term, I think we will Cybertruck to our shores. see many members will consider an electric The good news is, there are quite a few fully- vehicle for running errands in town but will electric vehicles on the not too distant horizon.turn to the tried and tested internal combustion Most of the major manufacturers have producedengine. This isnt to say that electric 4x4s wont concepts or are planning to release vehicleshave their place, but each person will need to in the market later year. The three most likelyconsider what they are trying to achieve before contenders are BYD, Mercedes Benz and LDV, somaking the switch.keep an eye on those.The Lifesaving BenefitsFor those aged 50 and above, engaging in regular of Blood and Plasmablood and plasma donations can have significant Donations for the Over 50s health benefits. Donating blood helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by promoting In a world that often seems to movehealthy blood flow and maintaining optimal blood at an increasingly rapid pace, the actviscosity. Moreover, it stimulates the production of giving back to the community has provenof new blood cells, which can be particularly to be a powerful way for individuals to makebeneficial for older individuals.a positive impact. To celebrate the LifebloodPlasma donations, in particular, can be a game-Team already donating 50 donations in 2024, itschanger. Plasma is rich in antibodies and proteins, worth looking at the benefits for older blood andcontributing to a strengthened immune system. plasma donors. This becomes increasingly crucial as individuals The Lifesaving Impact age and may experience a decline in immune A heartfelt thank you goes out to the Four Wheelfunction. By donating plasma, older donors Drive Lifeblood Team. In 2023, their collectiveactively contribute to their own well-being while effort resulted in an astounding 267 donations,saving lives.saving the lives of 801 individuals. DonatingHow to Get Involvedblood takes just an hour, and the impact isJump on the website www.lifeblood.com.au or immeasurable. phone 131495 to book a donation. Physical Health Benefits for Donors Joining the Four Wheel Drive Lifeblood Team Each donation includes thorough physical checksnot only fosters a sense of community but and blood tests. Great for people who wait untilalso provides a unique opportunity to make a they are sick to see their doctor, or maybe justcollective impact. The camaraderie among teamContact your localrelying on annual check-ups. For regular donors,members creates a supportive environment where this means potential irregularities or changesindividuals efforts count towards somethingdealer for a test drivein health are detected early, leading to promptbigger. Simply mention the team at your next medical attention. Whats even more convenientdonation or join online.is that donors receive their health checkFor those who want to take it a step further, results directly through the Donate Blood app,organizing a presentation or group donation empowering them with crucial insights into theiractivity within your club can be a rewarding well-being. Its a win-wincontribute to theexperience. Reach out to Ash from Lifeblood at community and keep tabs on your health withahales@redcrossblood.org.au for assistance or each life-saving donation. resources. Lets make 2024 our biggest year yet.30 TRACKWATCH|March 2024'