b'INSURANCEWatts next for 4WDs?Theres no denying it, with the changes in howcapacity and the payloads required from your we travel and technology, the global automotiveaverage weekend trip, this just adds to a long industry is now well into the transition fromlist of features for manufacturers to get right. internal combustion engines to fully electric power.This requires a lot of research and development, But the big question is, what effect will this havewhich could pull valuable resources from the on the Australian 4WD industry given the uniquelucrative passenger vehicle development.challenges the Australian environment poses. 2.Compared to an internal combustion engine, the 2023 represented the biggest year on record forweight of electric vehicles is heavily impacted electric vehicles in Victoria, with over 87,000by the battery requirements. This increases the vehicles sold (RACV, 2024). In terms of the widerstresses on the vehicle to a comparable petrol vehicle market, electric vehicles were 7.2% of allor diesel 4WD, which can have a domino effect new vehicles sold (16.2% if you include hybrids).on the critical vehicle components, such as the Its fair to say that electric vehicles are beingchassis, the suspension and even the tyres to plugged in at more garages around the country. Butaccount for the increased GVM. Development in the question is, why, is there such increasing ratesbattery technology efficiency will certainly need of adoption compared to the Australian off-roadto push forward, to level out the playing field.market? There may be a few explanations for this. 3.Range is probably the number one concern for 1.Off road SUVs and Utes are bigger, heavier andanyone reading this, as range can represent require a lot of torque to take on the challengesthe biggest fear for a driver taking their 4WD on our 4x4 tracks. Once you add in the towinginto the bush. How far will my battery take FOUR WHEEL DRIVE INSURANCE4WD Insurance For the experts, by the expertsWith our long association with Four Wheel Drive Victoria we have reason to be proud of the insurance we oer. Our policy delivers specialist features and benets that complement the lifestyle of an adventurous Aussie. Take your journey to the next level. Give us a call or nd our website below to obtain a free no obligation quote today.Get a free quote today 1300 655 8501300 655 8504wd@anityib.com.au anityib.com.auThis product is issued by One Underwriting Pty Ltd. ABN 50 006 767 540 AFSL 236653 and distributed by A\x1fnity Risk Partners (Brokers) Pty Ltd trading as A\x1fnity Insurance Brokers ABN 15 091 944 580 Licence No. 1288354.It is subject to underwriting acceptance criteria. This is a summary of the bene\x1ets available. Conditions apply. To decide if it is right for you please read the Product Disclosure Statement and Policy before you make a decision. If you purchase this insurance, A\x1fnity will receive a commission that is a percentage of the premium.TRACKWATCH|March 2024 29'