b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT AMAROK CLUB OF VICTORIAdissimilar to that experienced without the rain and mud. Not far into the afternoon, we had done our last site and Sam decided to head back home while the rest of us headed back to camp. Saturdays campfire was built on a rise rather than in a pit and was soon looking healthy. Justin found himself a space and set up and well all settled in for the afternoon.Not long after we all sat down, we had our first sign that the rain might actually stop at some point. What a novelty it was to stand outside the shelter when walked upon. We quickly had to make peacewithout getting wet and being able to see more with it rather than trying to find grassy pathways tothan 50m. We had some drizzle on and off for the move around camp. It wasnt long before everybodyevening, but the rain, it seemed, was coming to embraced the wet and we all settled in to enjoyingan end and allowed us all to enjoy dinner and the just being out there. campfire without being rained on. Saturday morning revealed a few disgruntledAfter some entertaining conversation about campers who were deprived of sleep by the constantreligion, politics, troubles at home and abroad and rain and heavy drops falling from the trees atother such conspiracies, the evening concluded at irregular intervals all night. Our fire pit had becomea very civilized hour with some supper snacks and a large bowl of coal soup overnight so there was noport for those who a partial to it.morning fire. Nonetheless, after a coffee or tea andWe rose on Sunday morning to dry skies and breakfast we loaded up and set off to meet Sam andeven some sun in short bursts which enabled us Justin at Holmedale.to dry out most of our gear before packing it up. The morning briefing covered off our objectivesSounder sleep was had by those deprived of it the for the day as well as the obligatory issues ofnight before. The campfire was brought back to compliance and safety before we all donned ourlife with a little help, as were campers with bacon, HiHis and PPE and rolled out to maintain theeggs and steaming cuppas. A leisurely morning saw vegetation and clean the 19 historical sites in theeverybody filter out of camp as they dried out well area designated the responsibility of the Amarokenough to pack up. By early afternoon, the camp had Club.emptied, and we all set out toward home. Our only mishap for the day was when I gotThis year a huge thank you is due to Sam, Allan, a little too close to the edge of a track that wasArron, Michael, Mohamed and Justin; working softened by all the rain and collapsed, tilting mythrough rain which refused to abate all day, the Rok precariously. The slide was arrested by a littlegroup managed to get the work done to a standard tree thankfully and we were able to winch out withbeyond my expectations, given the conditions. It was a safety cable on rear to prevent the back end froma fantastic job. It was a great weekend despite the sliding down hill as the front winched out. weather. Rudi from West Gippsland Inc. also passed For the first time in Amarok history, after hittingon his thanks and congratulations for a terrific job the tree, the left hand wing mirror rotated ratherafter flicking through the report and photos of the than snapping off, as can be seen in the photo tomaintained sites. the left as the mirror faces in the wrong direction. Winning! Mishaps behind us, we were able to leapfrog in groups from site to site, protecting them from the upcoming fire season, as hard as that was to imagine at the time.Some remedial work was necessary on some sites due to damage from vandalism or the weather but for the most part, our maintenance work was straightforward and progressed at a rate not 20 TRACKWATCH|March 2024'