b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT VICTORIA POLICE 4WD CLUBMT BULLER AND SURROUNDS25-26th February, 2023BY: MARKF or a Sat-Sun trip onlysea level, this hut could be aa shame to see. A quick bite to eat a couple hours out ofdestination for a winter snow tripand we were back on track for an Melbourne, it was greaton a good day with no seasonaleasy run to Craigs Hut via Circuit to see nine of out tenroad closures however with ourRd and Clear Hills Trk.vehicles head up on the Fridaybluebird mid 20 degree day; theWith Craigs Hut being one of night to squeeze in some extra timeonly thing on the track was dust!the most famous High Country together. From here, we engaged lowdestinations and photographed On the Saturday Morning,range, dodged some grazingspots, it was fairly busy with we met the final participant atcattle, and headed up Number 3lots of other groups enjoying the Buttercup Road and aired down,Trk to Number 3 Refuge Hut for aviews to the North West. The hut ready for a scenic day of highsnack. The climb was slow goingwas originally constructed as a country huts and vistas.First stop was Tomahawk Hutand provided amazing views toset for the 1982 film, Man from which had been rebuilt in 2007the west, back towards Mansfield.Snowy River. Just as we were and is one of the oldest hut sitesThe hut was in excellentabout to move off after lunch, we for the Forestry Commission incondition other than a couple ofpaused to watch the horse trail the Alpine Area. At 1115m abovepieces of graffiti inside which wasriders from McCormacks come 10 TRACKWATCH|June 2023'