b'feedback on difficulties experienced in the past andHaunted Stream track.suggestions for improvement. We appreciate thoseAfter lunch guest speaker Wayne Thorpe was who expressed their views on ParkConnect in itsinvited to address the group. Wayne is a descendant current form and look forward to seeing how it willof the Gunnai people and has family connections to evolve. There was also discussion and confirmationYorta Yorta. He spoke on the history of the Gunnai about the mandatory requirements for JSAs, site safetypeople and Gippsland. Detailing how life was before plans and Working with Children Checks on VolunteerEuropean settlement and how it changed once Captain projects. Cook sailed along the eastern shoreline all those years It was announced that Seasonal Closure lists forago. The formation of Missions forced his ancestors to both DEECA and PV will be on the one DEECA mappingendure restrictions on their cultural lifestyle, language, system. Gail Wright then broached the subject ofand beliefs. Wayne has spent much of his own lifetime how and when Regional Rep meetings take place andpromoting cultural awareness and sharing knowledge questioned whether the format should change; 1 onsiteof indigenous language and song lines, spiritual and 1 online meeting each year or remain at 2 onsiteconnection to nature and our need to care for country. meetings with extra online meetings if necessary.He also spoke on the current issue of the Voice to At the conclusion of the conversation a proposal forParliament and his personal view on the matter. Suffice the latter was put forward. A strong majority wereto say, the Voice is a contentious topic and one for us all in favour. That brought a round of applause andall to consider in our own time.confirmed the value and support of the Regional RepHaving Wayne Thorpe attend our meeting was a meetings. The meeting continued with informationspecial honour and we were all appreciative of his talk.from Regional Reps and Rangers providing updatesThe meeting closed at 3pm and most had a long on the happenings in their areas, any issues they werejourney back to Melbourne and beyond to start the having and works going on. working week again. Thanks to the Bairnsdale Club Harrie Fletcher from DEECA briefed us on thefor Saturday, the Parks and DEECA staff who attended upgrades to the 22 trails of the 2 Back Road Tours.Sunday and our Regional Reps for their time liaising Maps of both tours are a great resource to use inwith Rangers in their patch. These meetings are vital in conjunction with the More to Explore app. He alsothe partnership between the Association and Victorias spoke about fire recovery works and reopening of theland managers.TRACKWATCH|June 2023 27'