b'Center spreadFrom L to R - Werner Brocks, Pam Crowe, Les Crowe Wayne Hevey - CEO, Four Wheel Drive Victoria, presenting the 50th plaque to Geoff Davey, President of the Geelong 4WD ClubClub played a significant role in the establishmentlacked power steering, had 3 or 4-speed manuals of the Association and maintains a strong bond andand no electronic assistance. Driving those vehicles relationship with Four Wheel Drive Victoria still today.required skill and control. Lowering tyre pressures Two separate panels were held through the night towasnt common as the tyres couldnt accommodate have a very relaxed and informal chat about anythingit and wheel chains were a common necessity when and everything that has happened within the clubtackling challenging terrain. Bull bars were typically since its inception. Our first panel discussion for thesimple, agricultural items made from welded pipes or night, A Chat with the Boys (or maybe The Kangaroowhatever materials were available, and accessoriesBar) consisted of the following participants:there werent any! Founding member and inaugural President, LifeOur relationship with the SES started very early Member, previous Clubman of the Year and 2 timeonmembers of the Club basically were the first Dunny Seat award winnerWerner Brocks.SES group in Geelong. They were given a generator Founding member and the clubs secondand a couple of lights and asked to assist in setting PresidentLes Crowe.up lighting etc to help at traffic accidents and other Founding memberPam Crowe.emergencies. Life Member, previous Clubman of the Year The clubs first ever meeting was held in Les Brian Tanner, andCrowes garage! Since then we have held meetings Life Member and previous Clubman of the Year at the DW Hope Centre in Norlane, various schools that were available, the Wood Street Reserve in South Alex Huybens.Geelong, the Seaview Club and now in our current Some of the many and various topics coveredclubrooms at the Abe Wood Reserve. by the panel included how the club came about,One particularly memorable adventurethe the early years trips, vehicles and accessories, theWhitfield Episodeincluded quite a large convoy, State Emergency Service (SES) and the origins of themultiple boggings, changing weather and a very steep club logo. Roving reporter Trevor Brocks made surehill. Going downhill while the weather was fine was everyone in the audience could participate by askinggreatbut trying to come back up in the rain not so questions for the panel or sharing their own historicalmuch. At least the radio could pick up the footy for a anecdotes, memorable moments from trips, events andlittle amusement. social nights within the club.Our club has always been willing to lend a hand How the club started really is a story within itselfthroughout the Otways regionhelping out in the and covered by Werner in his story How the club cameearly days with the removal of Boneseed weed. We to be page 12 of the magazine. In the very early dayshave also helped out with removal of car bodies and we were one of the very first four wheel drive clubs ingeneral rubbish, track classifications and track clearing Victoria. At the time our club was formed there wereand opening which we continue to do annually. only four other clubs: the Land Rover Owners ClubDuring the second panel discussion we had the of Victoria, the Cross Country Jeep Club, Dandenongpleasure of hosting some of the prominent women who Ranges 4WD Club and the Toyota Land Cruiser Club ofhave been part of the club throughout the years: Julie Victoria.Brocks, Jan Napper and Ornella Di Rocco along with past The early trips were predominantly local with thePresident Adam Cameron. A great discussion was held first one being an easy exploration of the Brisbaneon the history of the larger annual club events starting Ranges before venturing further afield to Apollooff at Apollo Bay and spanning the Boho Bounce, Bay, Forrest, and deeper into the Otways. In thoseGippsland Go Down, Quarry Capers, Forrest Frolics, early years the most popular vehicles were LandOtway Antics and Sokil Scramble right up to the current Rovers, Land Cruisers, Patrols and a few Jeeps. TheyMoonambel Musterwhich this year we are celebrating TRACKWATCH|June 2023 17'