b'as we progressed. Always ensurefloating downstream you have the right gear; in thisand there was no case it includes having a chainsaw.wind at the time. We Know how to use it safely, if not Ihad to leave this haunting recommend doing the accreditedmystery behind and start to chainsaw course through 4WD Vic.head back to Bairnsdale having (www.fwdvictoria.org.au/training) had driven though 59 or 61 river If you were on the trip, pleasecrossings of the Haunted Stream. point to who forgot their chainsaw! The number of crossings being Eventually we got to Dawson.in dispute only means we have to Here is a lovely spot for a smallcome back another time to count group to bushcamp. The ongoingthem properly!westward route gets a bit moreHeaded up Northwards onover you! We saw 3.challenging with river crossing butDawson City Track to AngoraThe vistas from Angora Range that was not to be our path today.Range Road which is a dirt roadTrack are worth taking your time Whilst having a late lunch here thesuitable for logging trucks. Dawsonfor also.stream lived up to its name. OneCity track through a few smallWe also encountered Rosellas, of the bracken started to waivetrees across our route which wewombats, wallabies to name a few. violently at us from down near thesoon cleared. Then later on theFor those not sure if they could stream. This went on for aboutAngora Range Road there were 2tackle this track my Everest is 10-20 seconds then stopped. Whenlarger trees across the road andthe UA1 with 5 years of covering we went to investigate no sign of arocks later in the decent, whichthe ranges still on its standard snake or wombat or other potentialwe cleared also by draggingsuspension. Only lift is 20mm from reason for making this flora wavethem using both mechanical andslightly taller tyres.at us. The plant was too high onmanpower. Angora takes you backAlways check the weather as the bank to be touched by anythingEast to the Great Alpine Road atwet weather and faster flowing Wattle Creek. This is just North ofwater will affect the viability of where we started. Heading hometravelling the Haunted Stream turn left for Bruthen and for us ontrack. Take your time, take a friend back to Bairnsdale. and enjoy one of the great tracks Dont forget to look up whilewe have the privilege of being open you travel this country becausethanks to the great efforts of 4WD above you may just catch a glimpseVictoria and its past members. of an Wedge Tailed Eagle looking TRACKWATCH|June 2023 25'