b'I am very pleased at the enduring and positiveOur best wishes to Jo, relationship we enjoy with our partners DEECA andGraeme, Bev and John as the Parks Victoria when discussing our future relationshipiconic business of Westprint is and funding from these Govt depts especially as thehanded over to Meridian Maps Govt has announced that Not for Profit organisationson Friday 2nd June, 2023.will have funding withdrawn. This position has comeFor 39 years Westprint has been about because of the hard-working volunteers thisoutback Australiana at its best!organisation brings to the fore when we are askedMapping, researching, producing and selling an to clean up the bush and various other activities thatamazing range of outback maps. The weekly assist them with their ongoing responsibilities we havefabulous Friday Five newsletter that arrived to always responded accordingly.the Inbox sharing vital road, track and tourist By the time this edition of Trackwatch lands oninformation, book reviews, the funnies and readers your doorstep we will have had a Presidents andown experiences and knowledge. Never boring.Delegates meeting. Keep an eye on eNews and clubAnd booksso many books. An Australian feast communications for an update.for all ages of new, secondhand, fact and fiction. Our next Presidents meeting will be on June 3rdNo title too tricky to track down.where we will provide more detail into the activitiesFrom Westprints base in Nhill, to seeing the team we are working through. at a shows and field days or phone calls, emails I wish you all a Happy Winter and keep the shinyand social media, the vibe was always friendly and side up! positive. Thank you to Westprint for their generosity and support of Four Wheel Drive Victoria, our clubs Eric Bishopand members over the years. Weve enjoyed the President journey.2023TRAINING COURSESBOOKFour Wheel Drive Victoria is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO21605) offering non-accredited Proficiency 4WD training and ONLINE a range of Accredited 4wd and Chainsaw courses. Open to all club members, the general public and corporate organisations.Browse courses and book online at www.fwdvictoria.org.au/training Call the office (03) 9874 7222 for further informationPROFICIENCY COURSES Tuesday 1st AugustPC230801Theory Tuesday 3rd OctoberPC231003TheorySaturday 5th AugustPC230801Practical Saturday 7th OctoberPC231003PracticalTuesday 5th SeptemberPC230905Theory Tuesday 28th NovemberPC231128TheorySaturday 9th SeptemberPC230905Practical Saturday 2nd DecemberPC231128PracticalTraining Course Refund Policy Transfer to other courses: Students can transfer to any other Situations occur where for various reasons courses are cancelled bycourse up to 8 working days prior to commencement at no cost. Four Wheel Drive Victoria (FWDV) or students need to cancel. BelowStudents transferring to another course 7 working days or less prior to describes the refund policy that is applicable. commencement will be required to pay a transfer fee of $50.Fee refunds: If students are unable to attend the course that they areCourse Cancellations: FWDV will make a full refund of all fees paid registered for the following refund fees below apply: should a course be discontinued. FWDV reserves the right to cancel30 days prior - less 10% of course cost;29 days to 15 days - lessa course if a minimum number of participants are not achieved or for 25% of course cost;14 days to 8 days - less 50% of course cost; Occupational Health and Safety reasons. Should the students desire7 days prior - no refund allowed. to take an alternative course with FWDV, fees will be fully transferable Refund applications must be made in writing to FWDV. to that course, for one transfer in a 12 month period. In the event of FWDV agree that they will allow for one transfer in a 12 month perioda course for which the student was enrolled being unavailable or no to another course date without penalty, with a minimum of 8 daysacceptable alternative course is available, fees are fully refundable.notice. 4 TRACKWATCH|June 2023'