b'settled in for the evening. AlwaysBluff Hut (our highest hut atVictoria representing families looking for the silver liningwe1499 meters above sea level),and predecessors who grazed were glad the drizzle would keepand went for a short walk to acattle and maintained the High the dust down on the tracks thevantage point which providedCountry since the early 1800s. following day! amazing views over the HowquaBoth huts were new destinations On Sunday, there were a fewvalley and out to Mt Buller. Thefor Geoff and Colin while Sally people that needed to head homegroup quickly came to consensusenjoyed revisiting the area after early and others were interestedto continue on to Lovicks Huttashe was last here as a child on in a lazy morning at camp. Atripper, easy, 40 minute, and lowfamily holidays.0830, four vehicles headed off forrange drive east along Bluff TrkDue to the top of Brocks Rd a shorter drive; Mark, Sally, Colinthrough stands of snow gums.and Cairn Creek Rd being closed and Geoff. Bluff and Lovicks hut were builtfor maintenance at the time, we We followed Brocks Rd up toby Stoney and Lovicks familiesheaded back the way we came to Bluff Link Rd with plenty of radiorespectively, both well-knownFrys Flat for a late lunch, pack up chatter about the things we sawnames in the area and heavily along the way including Tunnelinvolved today with the Mountainand then head home.Bend and a very keen cyclistCattlemans Association of The trip was a great start topushing up the hill! We reachedthe year! 12 TRACKWATCH|June 2023'