b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT GEELONG FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Center spread50TH ANNIVERSARY S aturday May 6th 2023 marked the 50thThe evening commenced at 5:30pm with guests Clubmen and Clubwomen of the year L to R - Wayne Clayton, Carmel Heather, John Bell, Brian Tanner, Yvonne Clayton, Alex Huybens, Jan Napper, Daryl Napper, Warren Tedford, Juanita Mountjoy, Mick Riley, Geoff Davey, Shez Tedford, Dave Hamann, Allie HamannARTICLE: DANNY SPARKS-COUSINS | PHOTOS: SHEZ TEDFORDAnniversary of the Geelong Four Wheel Drivearriving and making themselves comfortable with a Club. After a huge amount of planning by manybeverage and a chat. We even had a couple of very people the night had arrived for everyone tostylish arrivals make their way to the party by stretch celebrate this remarkable milestone.Hummer limousinescant get much better than that The Yot, located at the Geelong Yacht Club, wasto kick off the party! as our venue for the night. It was selected for itsAs the room filled and became louder with laughter central location and ability to cater for everyone inand chatting the food and beverages began to flow. comfort and style. We were thrilled to have 110 pastThe Yot supplied a delicious selection of finger foods and present members join us from far and wide withthroughout the night along with plenty of beverage some members traveling from Queensland, New Southoptions. Everyone was well-fed and in high spirits Wales and even Western Australia to be part of thiswhich contributed to the joyous and animated auspicious occasion.atmosphere. The room was arranged with a selection ofIt was great to see many members enjoying the memorabilia, clothing, and club magazines from acrossphoto slideshow, stirring up memories of past trips, the years. A slideshow featuring photos from variousbringing on a few laughs and giggles and getting people trips and events dating back from the very early daystalking about times theyve shared in the club. Did you of the club was also played on the big screen. The clubknow that on the night we had 9 past Presidents attend clothing from different years was an interesting look(spanning a collective 19 years of presidency), 11 Life back in timeand not all of it was green! An array ofmembers, 17 Clubmen and Clubwomen and 11 Dunny 50th Anniversary Commemorative Memorabilia wasSeat award members. available for purchase including belt buckles, stubbyWayne Hevey from Four Wheel Drive Victoria was holders, cups & mugs, and hat pins. These itemsin attendance and congratulated the club on reaching will still be available for purchase throughout thethe 50-year milestone. He presented the club with a remainder of the year through the committee.commemorative plaque. The Geelong Four Wheel Drive 16 TRACKWATCH|June 2023'