b'P PENINSULA 4X4 CLUBCLUB SPOTLIGHTVISIT TO WALKINSHAW AUTOMOTIVES HORSEPOWER FACTORYeninsula 4x4 Club Visit to4x4, getting out into regional Victoria Walkinshaw Automotives(and beyond) and exploring tracks Horsepower Factory all day, rolling into a camp site in an The entire Peninsulaafternoon and relaxing around a fire 4x4 club recently had the excitingwith a group of likeminded people. opportunity to visit WalkinshawThis tour blew my mind.Automotives Horsepower Factory,The tour began with a and for those that dont know whocomprehensive brief on the RAM this amazing company is, they are thetrucks and the process of converting magicians that convert every singlethem. The tour then moved onto RAM truck sold in Australia to bethe factory floor itself, where the compliant with Australian standards.team from Peninsula 4x4 were able As youd expect we had maximumto witness the entire conversion attendance, so after the initial safetyprocess from start to finish. From the brief and throwing on a Hi Vis vest,initial stripping of the vehicle to the the club was split into 2 groups forinstallation of new parts, reassembly the guided tour.and finally the testing and quality The tour guides, conducted bycontrol ensuring the vehicles are one of Walkinshaws amazing shiftroad-legal and compliant with managers Gavin and the clubs veryAustralian standards.own Shane, took Peninsula 4x4Walkinshaw operate an amazingly around the factory floor, showcasingefficient, clean and professional the production process of convertingoperation that everyone at the RAM trucks from left-hand drive toPeninsula 4x4 Club were impressed right-hand drive vehicles.with. Wed like to thank Shane W and Now, Im going to throw myselfthe management team for giving us under the bus here and openly admit,this rare and insightful opportunity I am an IT professional, I am not ato visit the factory and see how the car guy. BUT I love jumping in mymagic is made.This tour blew my mindBY: BEN H8 TRACKWATCH|June 2023'