b'With the sun now out and full stomachs everyone was ready to jump back into their car and get going around the track again. A few more people had rocked up by this time, so it was an important job being at the gate and making sure everyone was safely spaced out and there wasnt too many on track at once. The side slope, the simulated river crossing and log crossing along with up hills, down hills and varied terrain was tackled by now confident drivers with big grins across their faces. By the time 3pm had come the rain returning in typical Ballarat fashion. The gates to the course were closed and everyone was ready to head home. It was a great day and the messages about environmental awareness while four wheel driving, benefits of joining a club and having training will hopefully bring an influx of new members to not only the Ballarat Four Wheel Drive Club but to other clubs in the association. A big thank you is required for the Ballarat Four Wheel Drive Club for hosting the event and helping to promote it across the local area in recent weeks and for providing so many excellent volunteers as well as a big thank you to the Four Wheel Drive Victoria accredited trainers who helped out on the day. Stay tuned for the next come and try day happening in a few months time.TRACKWATCH|June 2023 21'