b'CLUB SPOTLIGHT EVEREST 4WD CLUB H eading off to do theAs the track progresses one HAUNTED STREAM well worth it if you dare! ARTICLE: GORDON PORTER | PHOTOS: MARK CURIEHaunted Stream, of course it was a Friday. CEO of 4WD Vic Wayne Hevey, Everest 4WD Club member and photographer Mark Curie and I decided to prepare for the Regional Representatives Meeting held on the last weekend in May 2023. First, we needed to get a breath of the Victorian High Country before all the hot air. of the great features of the track Haunted Stream track waspresents itself, river crossings.selected. There is of course the Decision was to head up thetraditional area for the Great Alpine Way and take theGunaikurnai mob. I recommend Haunted Stream Track off to theacquainting yourself with some left. (A bit after Tambo Crossing)knowledge before setting off. Then head West to Dawson. https://batalukculturaltrail.com.auThe track starts not far north ofStirling along the track is one the Bridge over the Tambo River.site where those who have come There is a farmhouse with spacesince were stirred to seek out gold for a convoy of 4WD vehicles onin the 1800s. Take a break here the West side of the Great Alpineand wander the old town site if road, with the track climbing uponly to ponder the life of those to a gate about 40 metres from thewho lived here in the past and the road. As always leave farm gates ascolourful way one was despatched you find them. This is where havingfrom this life. (The back of the signtaking whilst it is hard to go past a photographer comes in handywill tell you the story, but youllthe combination of magnificent as they double as gate opener / have to get there to read it!) tree ferns and a glistening river all closers. We headed off through theThere are many river crossingsin one view.farm until the next gate then ontoto be had. They are not at presentOf course, with the proximity into the forest. particularly challenging but thereof magnificent timber and a steep Haunted Stream track headinghave been great works done bytrack there is the ever present West starts off very easy with greatDEECA to fix major problems todanger of falling trees. There was vistas North of the river and ridgemake this a pleasant trip. Someone along the track on this day lines.of the bush vistas are just breathand many small logs and branches 24 TRACKWATCH|June 2023'